Rodney Adler’s slow rise from corporate purgatory continues unabated, with a book deal and an eponymous synagogue extension competing with claims that he has emerged as a “shadow director” for ambitious agricultural company Almighty Fodder.

Now, the makeover has extended to the internet — on Monday, Adler instructed his eagles to slap a cease and desist order on the vanity site that bares his name,

Until yesterday, the site contained a wild screed penned by a Frank Nejad, who has been venting his frustration on Sydney business and legal big wigs ever since his chain of souvenir shops went bust in the late ’90s, purportedly over unpaid rent at the Darling Harbour shopping centre.

On Tuesday, Adler’s eagles instructed website host Melbourne IT to take down the site, alleging that the comments on the site were “potentially defamatory” and in breach of the Melbourne IT Acceptable Use Policy, which prohibits “harmful activity”.

As a convicted crim, Adler does not have much of a reputation to defend, but he told Crikey that he had acted because he was scared people would think the rant had been written by him (despite the words “By F.M. Nejad” appearing in 20-point headline at the top of the page).

“A friend of mine made me aware of the site a few weeks ago”, Adler told Crikey from his Sydney office.

“We wrote to the host, Melbourne IT, to take it down because people were apparently thinking that the crazy allegations were mine.”

Adler denied he was preparing the site for a relaunch to flog his new book or other related ventures.

The site also contains a host of claims against other reputationally challenged figures, including Marcus Einfeld, who apparently presided over one of  Nejad’s litany of legal challenges. Graeme Samuel and Neville Wran also came in for a bollocking.

However, the sentiment is reversed for Crikey scribe Alex Mitchell, who exposed Adler’s attempts to run companies from jail during his days as chief political correspondent on the Sun Herald.

Adler is currently engaged in a high-wire act over his corporate dealings. Under the terms of his parole, he is banned from managing a corporation or from making decisions that affect a businesses’ operations. Recently, aggrieved shareholders in Almighty Fodder claimed that he was doing just that.

In an amusing twist, a furious Nejad said he had now entered his now offline anti-Adler “investigative journalism” in the Walkley Awards for best website, joining such esteemed company as, erm, Crikey.