The death of standover man Michael McGurk has made big news this morning, with senior ALP MPs and Socceroo Lucas Neill now embroiled in the aftermath.

Sydney Morning Herald McGurk front page

MPs to examine Michael McGurk’s corruption tape – Claims that Sydney businessman Michael McGurk was shot dead because of a tape recording linking senior Labor politicians to allegations of bribery will be investigated by a State Parliamentary inquiry – Sydney Daily Telegraph

McGurk murder mystery widens – The captain of the Socceroos, Lucas Neill, and the former NSW planning minister Craig Knowles, have been caught up in the aftermath of the murder of Sydney bagman Michael McGurk – Sydney Morning Herald

McGurk ‘would have blackmailed Medich’ – Labor party powerbroker Graham Richardson last night claimed murdered businessman Michael McGurk attempted to use the existence of a secret recording to blackmail his former business associate Ron Medich for millions of dollars – Sydney Daily Telegraph

A murky past with many identities – In death the life of Michael Loch McGurk is becoming increasingly mysterious. Apart from using four birth dates, McGurk is not his real name. In the early 1990s Michael Rushford, a salesman, arrived at ECC lighting in inner Sydney. Hot on his heels were Customs officers with a deportation notice because Rushford, who was in his mid 20s, had overstayed his visa. Rushford flew to New Zealand via Fiji and returned with a new passport and a new identity – Michael McGurk – Sydney Morning Herald

McGurk was ‘forceful’ in chasing the money – A former business associate of murdered father-of-four Michael McGurk said yesterday the 46-year-old was a “confrontational” and “very forceful” man known for his aggressive tactics in chasing money – Sydney Daily Telegraph

How a quiet bush block turned into a goldmine – The developer Ron Medich stands to gain millions from a western Sydney site he bought 13 years ago for a pittance from the CSIRO, confidential documents obtained by the Herald show. The revelation comes as a former federal minister, Graham Richardson, said slain standover man Michael McGurk was using a tape to blackmail Mr Medich – Sydney Morning Herald

Let the truth be exposedSydney Daily Telegraph editorial says the death of Michael McGurk has lit up Sydney’s great big elephant in the room: That something stinks about the way property deals are done in this town. If the tape proves to be bona-fide, then let’s have an open inquiry into the matter.

Not another episode of UnderbellySydney Morning Herald editorial says the fact that a Sydney man has been shot dead in his driveway in front of his son a week after he had warned of such an eventuality is a disgrace to NSW and a spur to more vigorous action against guns and gun crime.