Turnbull and Hockey doing their combined presser right now, hoping to take our minds off the chaotic mish mash of liberal leadership. The real issues, apparently that all Australians are focused on are government debt and rising interest rates. That seems a long way from convincing the assembled press team.

Every question is on leadership. No one is deflected. How could they possibly have thought that this would be given clear air?

The job I want is Wayne Swan’s job says Joe. Fair enough. Who’d want Malcolm’s.

We have to be united says Turnbull.

Is anyone going to ask about this new scrutiny of budgetry excess stuff? Anyone?

Malcolm still has the lines: as leader of the opposition you have to put up with a lot.

A spill? No thanks.

“I encourage everybody to focus on the real issues.” Fair enough, but a pretty forlorn hope today under the circumstances.

You have to give Turnbull points for front. Getting out there and trying to face it down. It was always going to be a poo fight.

“Do we have any substantive questions about policy,” says Turnbull. Please?

Does anyone have an idea what this press conference was about? What exactly was the takeout?