There seems little doubt that James Packer has been in, ah, a good paddock of late, but you have to wonder at the point News Limited papers were trying to make this morning about the physical condition of the rival mogul. There must have been something about this image that caught the eye of News picture editors country-wide.
There was the Adelaide Advertiser:
And the Daily Telegraph:
James had probably had a gutful of the picture by the time he saw the Herald Sun:
Not to mention The Australian:
He probably doesn’t take the Gold Coast Bulletin but there he was anyway:
They’re so much nicer at the Sydney Morning Herald:
I am sure the shirt has caught the wind and billowing out, giving the impression Mr Packer is leaving from an Aquarium after stuffing the prized giant octupus down his front.
No mate, that’s a front veranda for sure.
He must have eaten the prized octupus then, and had a starter as well.
I believe there’s a whale or two unaccounted for.
one of my dad’s carers said that the feller will be at serious risk of type 2 diabetes if not a heart attack.