“Border protection” — the very phrase is ominous.
It evokes a country under siege, its frontiers threatened by the rampaging armies of Attila the Hun, the Mongol hordes of Genghis Khan and the invincible horror of Martian androids. No wonder our politicians feel that they have to be tough about it.
The fact that the Australian mainland has never been invaded and is never likely to be is hardly relevant; for well over a century the nation’s defences, and more importantly its politics, have revolved around the idea that an envious world can’t wait to get its claws on our golden soil and the only thing that’s stopping it is our remorseless vigilance.
Fort Denison in Sydney Harbour and Fort Nepean in Port Phillip Bay are historical testimony to this long-established paranoia. In those days the threat was seen to come from Russia; over the years it migrated to Germany, Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam and China, which became a catch-all reservoir of the Yellow Peril, seeping remorselessly southwards, aided by the irresistible pull of gravity.
Of course, it never happened; it was never going to. Even if the countries to our north had entertained the notion, simple logistics would have relegated the idea of conquering and occupying a continental land mass to the realm of fantasy. The only way it could ever work was the way that it did; a determined program of colonisation spanning several generations of overwhelming technological superiority. And perhaps, just perhaps, it is a residual sense of guilt that makes white Australians fear that what they did to the Aboriginal nations might someday be revisited on them.
Certainly there is absolutely no rational explanation for the hysterical overreaction of politicians, media and, yes, the public at large, every time an unauthorised vessel makes its way into what we have designated as Australian waters. Pauline Hanson was still in her teens when the satirist Barry Humphries defined “xenophobia” as “love of Australia”. But her expressed fear of being swamped by Asians struck such a chord in 1996 that John Howard was able reprise it as a compelling dog whistle for the 2001 election: a boatload of the most wretched and vulnerable people on earth were magically transmogrified into a real and present threat to Australia’s national security.
Of course, it was all bullsh-t and indeed was proved to be so when the vast majority of those involved were later quietly admitted to Australia as genuine refugees and integrated seamlessly into the multicultural society, just as so many of their predecessors did. You would think — hope — that the lesson had been learned.
But it appears that some prejudices are just too deeply engrained for our leaders to ignore. We now have Kevin Rudd, from whom we expected better, playing hard ball with the latest wave of boat people from Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka or wherever. He makes no apology (nor, indeed, any justification) for getting tough with those he describes as illegal immigrants.
In fact, the boat people are not illegal: they are asylum seekers with rights accepted under international covenants to which Australia is a signatory. And the whole point of Rudd’s policy is to prevent them from becoming immigrants — for the time being at least. The real illegal immigrants are the visa-overstayers whom successive governments have studiously ignored.
Confusingly, Rudd also claims that his policies are humane, and it has to be said that they are a lot less brutal than John Howard’s absurdly named “Pacific
Solution”. The hell holes of Nauru and Manus Island have been closed, the pointless mental torture of temporary protection visas abolished, the processing of applicants streamlined and the emphasis switched from detention camps to accommodation within communities.
But the biggest change has been in the rhetoric. Rudd may be mistaken in describing the asylum seekers as illegal immigrants, but during the Howard years they moved from being queue jumpers to disease carriers, drug runners, terrorists and child murderers. Last week when Wilson Tuckey attempted a rerun of the terrorist line, his own leader, Malcolm Turnbull, joined Rudd in jumping on him from a great height.
Rudd reserves his own invective for the people smugglers, the worst people in the world, the scum of the earth who should rot in hell forever. This may be silly hyperbole, but at least it’s a step up from blaming the victims. No one will say of Rudd in 2010, as they did of Howard in 2001, that they’re going to vote for him because he knows how to deal with the towel-heads.
But if Rudd has toned down the denigration, he hasn’t got rid of the hype. After 78 Tamil asylum seekers were rescued in Indonesian waters and delivered by the Oceanic Viking to an Indonesian port, they declined to disembark and the Indonesians refused to make them do so, thus producing an embarrassing stalemate.
But that’s all it is: it is not a national security emergency or a catastrophic breakdown of border protection. It is not even a political crisis; it is a management problem that can and will be resolved without war and bloodshed. Yet a breathless media, claiming to reflect public opinion, insist that it is a shambles, a disaster with consequences for Australia’s long-term immigration program.
This reflects the claim by some commentators that Australians will accept a high rate of immigration if and only if they are assured of tight border protection. As far as I know there is absolutely no evidence for this assertion, and since we have never had tight border control (and certainly not since the advent of air travel) it seems inherently unlikely, or at least illogical.
But who said Australians were logical about borders, immigrants, asylum seekers or boat people anyway? Maybe that’s the problem of being girt by sea.
I supported Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War – I saw the Russian back North Vietnamese tanks roll into Saigon making mockery of support promised for South Vietnam by the Americans.
In the circumstances, the least I could do was to fully support the acceptance by Australia of as many Vietnamese who sought refuge from the victorious North Vietnamese communists. I know that millions of Vietnamese fled their homeland the first real impact starting early in 1976. I understand that Australia took around 200,000 South Vietnamese and a much lesser number of Cambodians. Australia in 1976 was economically and structurally much less sophisticated than it is in 2009.
I find it difficult to comprehend how we can accept, currently, around 150,000 migrants annually and in that number only provide for around 13,000 refugees. Our country is wealthy enough, sophisticated enough and smart enough, to accept tens of thousands of refugees almost immediately and substantially increase the annual intake of refugees on an ongoing basis.
For the purposes of discussion, and I have had this discussion with my children, I propose that Australia’s refugee policy needs to be varied. In the next 12 months, to November 2010, we take 200,000 refugees – seeking to bring in where possible those who have been in camps for longer periods than others. In the 13 months from December 2010 we bring in 50,000 a year and do this annually until 2015 when we review and again vary with the plan being to increase the annual number to 75,000.
Of course this will change the social fabric of Australia – just as post WW2 the Italians and Greeks changed Australia for the better, as in the late 1970s and 1980s the Vietnamese added lustre to our society – and indeed as the Chinese flooding our cities have done – I live in Maxine McKew’s electorate, Bennelong. One only has to visit the shopping centre of Eastwood to witness the dramatic, positive and all encompassing impact Chinese immigration has made to a member of the north western suburban Bible Belt of Sydney.
And anyway, my ethnic background is Irish. My great… parents on dad’s side came to an Australia on an assisted passage in 1841. On mum’s side, again an assisted passage, in 1842. So no convict blood on my side just lots of help.
Open the doors, quickly.
(from Michael R. James)
The same timidity and paranoia fuels our bloated defence procurement. Not only are we about to commit about $40B to buying hugely expensive fighters but they cannot even do what is claimed, and as time goes on their inadequacies can only get comparatively worse. (and hopeless SuperHornets that cannot do anything much).
See Ben Sandilands Friday article and the many blogs to it:
Martin Shanahan: I agree with you totally. However something drastic needs to be done now about our exploding population. We don’t have the infrastructure and we don’t have the water to cope with this explosion.
Perhaps all our political leaders can cease paying baby bonuses and start invoking a two child only limit on all breeding couples.
Or do you enjoy the nightmare of crowded trains or two hour traffic jams?
As long as refugees are seen as vampires invading our shores there is no chance for any reasonable debate on anything related to migration programs.
Venise Alstergen
Refugees ARE part of our immigration program. What makes them different to other migrants is political points scoring of some of our politicians.
We have plenty of water but a huge mismanagement of the resources. Perhaps refugees would help us with the solution. After all they had already helped us with the Snowy Mountain Scheme.
Crowded trains and two hour traffic jams in a 20 million population of a vast country is already nothing short of a sick joke. We need people to build the infrastructure Australian people have neglected for so many years and were unable and unwilling to do anything about it. We pay taxes for our roads and just wondering where is it going? We pay huge water bills. Where is the money going?
WE definitely have too much room for ugly parking spots and car parks. No wonder there is no room for people.
And baby bonuses have absolutely nothing to do with refugees.
Perhaps our Politicians could show more honesty and integrity and less self satisfaction and greed. The current collective mob, with a few exceptions, would be some of the most pathetic exponents of thought, words, deeds and debating skills to befall the corridors of House and Senate in decades. While morals seem to be of no consequence, were they ever?,the class of 2007 has thrown up such little talent, I am amazed there hasn’t been an invasion from somewhere. If the best Rudd can do is come to some agreement worth tens of millions of dollars with the most corrupt regimein Asia, to try and take the heat off his Govt’s “what do we do with them next” sort of policy, its no wonder the low life that are the organisers of asylum seekers, regard Australia as easy pickings. How can it be, 3 months ago the Govts border control/asylum seekers policy was working just fine, regardless of the phoney rightous bleatings of Turnbull and his cronies, yet now its a bloody shambles. Today we are expected to beleive the boat that sank in the Timor sea contained a cargo of human beings who may or may not be asylum seekers. Perhaps they were on a summer cruise, enjoying the sea air and doing a spot of fishing, partaking of a few beers and canapes. More of the Govts spin, fooling noone, but unashamedly dispensed as fact. This Government needs to bite the bullet and get on with being a caring,honest, humanitarian, transparent leader. Do what they know to be the correct treatment of these unfortunate men, women and children, showing the world they have the courage to stand up and be counted and sod the Coalitions politically based, inhumane alternatives. Indonesia is playing Rudd for a mug, time he opened his eyes and his mind to reality.