Is Jan McLucas planning a comeback? After stepping down because of a tabloid beat-up about whether she lived in Cairns or Canberra, she has sold her house in Canberra and her partner — a  science policy wonk — has quit his job and moved to Cairns. Health and Ageing bureaucrats, peak bodies and lobby groups would love to have her back as she was competent and knew what she was talking about, unlike a raft of junior ministers in the portfolio

It’s 6.25am in Sydney and ABC local breakfast announcer Adam Spencer has just received calls from listeners reporting that their copies of  today’s Sydney Morning Herald carry tomorrow’s date, but alas, not tonight’s Lotto numbers, the result of today’s races or the fate of M. Turnbull. Honestly. But it seems that it is only early editions of the paper that carry Thursday’s date and Spencer has suggested that those papers will become collector’s items.

St Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney has lost $21 million from poor investments and raided some accounts it shouldn’t have to do the investing. Some specialists have had some their research accounts cleared out.

What’s going on with Tiger? I have flown Adelaide-Canberra on several occasions and found them OK, both in timing and certainly cost. However, for several weeks I have been trying to book flights for various times next year only to find them allegedly fully booked —  even up to next October! (This happened  before and during current special deal offer).

Similarly Perth flights show fully booked,  yet when trying Sydney or Melbourne there are plenty of seats. Have they tweaked the computer so we can’t book, then they’ll claim there is insufficient business to justify maintaining those flights and reallocate aircraft to other routes?

Bradfield madness. This is a barking mad survey being used by the CDP in Bradfield. I thought your readers might like to share it:

091125_Nile survey