The Fake Stephen Conroy website at that Crikey mentioned on Friday lasted just two days. At 5pm AEDT Friday it was taken offline by .au Domain Administration Ltd (auDA), the industry self-regulatory body for Australian internet domains, who deleted the domain with less than three hours notice.
The site’s content, including the header “Stephen Conroy: Minister for Fascism”, is now online at instead, where auDA has no jurisdiction — although it’s hosted in the same location.
This take down was unusually fast. “Generally, such a deregistration/removal process takes a few weeks,” reports iTWire.
“We didn’t even get a written copy of the take-down notice, it all happened so fast,” says Tim March, owner of the IT consultancy Sapia Pty Ltd, which registered the domain and one of the site’s driving forces.
March told Crikey that the registrar, Domain Central, phoned him about the take-down notice after experiencing email problems. March then phoned and emailed auDA, requesting an extension of their 5pm deadline.
auDA had demanded evidence that Sapia was eligible to use under Schedule B of its Domain Name Eligibility and Allocation Policy Rules for Open 2LDs (2008-05). A domain must be “an exact match, abbreviation or acronym of the registrant’s name or trademark” or “otherwise closely and substantially connected to the registrant”.
However, people routinely register domains that are simply the name of a project they’re running or a product they’re selling — the connection being that the name describes the business activity.
To pick a random example, has been registered by Internet Products Sales Services Pty Ltd to link to sites selling guitar strings and string bikinis.
It could perhaps be argued that is a perfectly sensible name for a site about Stephen Conroy.
The timing seems at odds with auDA’s .au Dispute Resolution Policy (auDRP) (2008-01), which requires written complaints and gives respondents 20 days to file their response.
But March says he called auDA about 30 minutes after receiving the notification.
“I must have spoken to auDA at around 1510 AEDT, which puts a rough estimate of the issue time around 1440 AEDT, which is obviously only 2h20m from issue to take down.”
Did Senator Conroy, or someone in his office, pressure auDA for a quick result?
“The Minister’s office made no request and took no other action in relation to the domain,” a spokesperson told Crikey — as is right and proper given auDA’s independence.
“Satire is an important part of any healthy democracy,” Conroy’s spokesperson said in response to the Fake Stephen Conroy Twitter account run by then-Telstra employee Leslie Nassar.
However, in October 2008, Conroy’s policy adviser Belinda Dennett did try to silence one of Conroy’s critics, network engineer Mark Newton, by asking the chair of the Internet Industry Association to pressure Newton through his employer.
March says Domain Central told him the normal process would be for auDA to contact them requesting the policy-based deletion.
“In this instance they apparently bypassed them and went straight to AusRegistry [who run the central domain name database] to pull the domain,” March said.
“They really wanted us gone.”
Crikey sought comment from auDA and Domain Central, but neither replied before our deadline.
Watchdog group Electronic Frontiers Australia says auDA have the right to enforce its rules, “though a three-hour turnaround on this dispute seems quite unusual”.
“This is perhaps another case study of why private regulation of the domain name system is flawed, in that it is wide open to private censorship,” EFA vice-chair Colin Jacobs told Crikey.
In this respect, the case resembles the 2006 take-down of Richard Neville’s spoof site, although that site was taken down not by auDA but by registrar Melbourne IT, who later admitted it was “badly handled”.
In a story over at, auDA confirms that they received no communication from Senator Conroy, but that this was a routine thing.
Oh well, maybe that police state, or Burmese-style dictatorship, we have been hearing so much about is some way off then.
Stephen Conroy’s response article demonstrates how farcically ill-conceived this article was. Stilgherrian so wanted this stuff to be evidence that we were going headlong into some kind of censorship-driven tyranny that he failed to use adequate journalistic restraint and care.
This article was of a piece with the zealotry and fast and loose use of the facts in the article that appeared the previous day, the infamously titled “Internet filtering: first step on the path to Burma?”
If you are interested in this issue then I suggest you read the article comments as well where he resorts to unsupportable claims of misrepresentation rather than dealing forthrightly with the offered critique.
Conroy’s office has previously been involved in attempting to silence critics of the proposed filter.
Mr Conroy’s assertions that we should refer to his FAQ page for facts on the proposed internet filter is a complete and utter joke.
Both the minister’s comments, and his FAQ page are not a reliable source of impartial facts. They are completely biased in favour of the filter, which is his stated position. They make no attempt to give an impartial account as they are designed to persuade in favour of the minister’s stated position.
The minister’s comments demonstrate his lack of credibility. He has not shown any willingness to engage or consult internet users on this issue, but claims he has. There has been no consultation. Just a farcical trial.
Rather, we are forced to endure an endless stream of empty rhetoric from Mr Conroy.
The next step will be forcing ISP’s to monitor users who download pirated movies and audio recordings.