Cruelty to cane toads. It seems unfair that we Crikey scribes be deprived of a chance to contribute to silly season journalism so I bring you this story of the march of the cane toads across the border from the Northern Territory into Western Australia. The locals up there in the Kimberleys have been concerned about the invasion and set up the Kimberley Toad Busters to deal with it.
Being good conservationists souls the Toad Busters searched for the most humane way of causing death and settled on popping the toads into a plastic bag where they were eventually put to permanent sleep by their own carbon dioxide. Far better than being hit with a stick I would have thought but the officials of the Western Australian Department of Environment and Conservation thought otherwise. They have refused to sanction the use of CO2 as a killing agent.
While we were away. A few items from over the holidays that I think are worth catching up on if you missed them:
25 December – There’s a good reason why climate naysayers are failing. In The Independent Ben Chu eloquently stated a view I find easy to agree with: “climate change naysayers might yet come up with evidence that disproves the theory of man-made climate change. That would be a revolutionary moment. And the world would surely thank them for their efforts. But it hasn’t happened yet. In the meantime it falls to the open-minded layperson and the responsible politician to check that the debate has been free, to ensure that no inconvenient research has been suppressed, and to act in response to the consensus view.”
23 December – Sports Minister to be sued by SBS? Use of the dreaded copyrighted words by Kate Ellis in a press statement: “Australia can deliver an amazing experience to international athletes, the millions of football fans across the globe and the World Game itself,” Ms Ellis said. If it is consistent, SBS, having threatened Crikey with legal action for using the same “World Game” description, will be suing Ms Ellis as well. The bully boy national broadcaster better get into a court room dispute with News Limited too. The tabloids have also started calling soccer the World Game
26 December – AC/DC Austrian concert in doubt over rare bird risk – Aussie rockers AC/DC could have to cancel a sold-out concert because their big sound poses a danger to rare birds — Sydney Daily Telegraph
26 December 2009 – Alcohol substitute that avoids drunkenness and hangovers in development – An alcohol substitute that mimics its pleasant buzz without leading to drunkenness and hangovers is being developed by scientists at Imperial College London. The new substance could have the added bonus of being “switched off” instantaneously with a pill, to allow drinkers to drive home or return to work. — London Daily Telegraph
30 December – When push comes to shove for Liberal ladies – It’s Eric Abetz who gets the blame. The Tasmanian Senator featured in a Hobart Mercury report after a former Liberal Party candidate and Miss Tasmania beauty Sue Hickey and Hobart lawyer and Hobart City Council alderman Elise Archer, the Liberal’s star Denison candidate, clashed at a private function at the Taste of Tasmania.
Apparently there was a bit of pushing and shoving between the ladies after Mrs Archer approached Ms Hickey at the function and, according to the Mercury, questioned an inference she had made regarding too many lawyers standing for State Parliament. Despite the conversation being conducted in private between the two women, it has been alleged it soon turned heated and involved both women claiming the other had swung an arm in a threatening manner.
Witnesses included Hobart Deputy Mayor Helen Burnett and Margaret Valentine, the wife of Lord Mayor Rob Valentine. Ms Burnett, who is a Green candidate in the state election, then intervened but was allegedly told by Mrs Archer’s husband and former Liberal Party state president Dale Archer to “f… off”.
Just like a family Christmas function really but by the next day it was being reported as an example of the deep divisions existing between moderates and hard liners in the Tasmanian Liberal Party. Accusations are flying, said The Mercury, that conservative Liberal candidates such as Elise Archer, Jacquie Petrusma and Michael Ferguson are being favoured by party powerbrokers at the expense of more moderate candidates.
“It’s called favouritism; it’s help in every way, it’s being given the clear passage into Parliament by the party without any obstacles put in your way,” a Liberal member said. “Sue Hickey is a prime example of another very good business person, a great Liberal candidate, being dragged down by the [Liberal Senator Eric] Abetz, Archer and Co clique.”
With a State election just 12 weeks away, the Liberal Parliamentary Leader Will Hodgman was less than pleased that his colleagues were pushing the Sydney-Hobart yacht race down the news headlines in this way. A gag order was sent by phone text to all Liberal candidates forbidding them from talking to the media about divisions and the growing influence of the party’s hard-right faction
I wouldn’t trust Abetz giving an ice cream to an 8 yr old, the twister would eat it himself and laugh in the kids face.
So dragging down a perfectly good Liberal candidate because that person isn’t in Abetz social club, is certainly well within Abetz bag of tricks. The name Gretch is forever linked to dear old Eric
Waverley Council once had it’s very own gas chamber in 2004. A large metal cage stored at Waverley Park Nursery that lured & trapped Asian/Indian Minor birds.
When a sufficient number had been caught a tarp would be placed over the cage & Food Grade Co2 would then be pumped into it until the tweeting stopped.
Surely the reason that the Western Australian Department of Environment and Conservation refuse to sanction the use of CO2 to kill cane toads is that CO2, to quote Liberal senator Cory Bernardi is a “colourless, odourless, non-toxic exhaled gas that the alarmists dishonestly call a pollutant”. They would clearly rather use something that kills.