The Financial Review works hard to preserve its reputation as the most boring newspaper in the southern hemisphere, but once every fortnight a hermit turns up on the op-ed page to provide some distraction. Today he’s at it again.
Mark Latham’s tirade against Opposition leader Tony Abbott in the AFR [no link, $1308 annual subscription] is quintessential Latham — highly entertaining, factually ambiguous and, like his own political modus operandi, full of contrived controversy. Abbott, says Latham:
“… has unashamedly declared himself to be an oppositionist, framing his electoral strategy around a carping, negative campaign on the government’s emissions trading scheme … This is the politics of an empty vessel, a leader who has narrowed his appeal to the bedrock Liberal Party base — the individualistic, bigoted, monocultural values of blue-rinse Australia”.
Latham concludes his essay from political exile by drawing on his own expertise:
“Although large parts of the electorate have low IQs, few people are so stupid as to fall for Abbott’s trick”.
M. Latham should know.
Well at least he has Abbott down pat,along with a lot of the right wing idiots who comment on this site,and hes not far wrong about the rights heros Jones, Ackerman, Bolt and the stupid nongs who write for the Australia.
Didn’t read the article, but please remember that Mark Latham was the only one in the sycophantic Anglophone world not taken in George W Bush and the “war on terror”. Had Latham been elected our shameful involvement in the pointless murder of millions of people who have done us no harm, would not have occurred.
Latham was trashed for saying he would bring us out of Iraq in 2004, it is now 2010 and more soldiers got home today.
Latham was right about many things, the media got it wrong and are too stupid to say so.