Overheard in a Civic restaurant, ALP heavies from national executives have been ordered by Kevin Rudd to fill all ACT positions, including Annette Ellis, Kate Lundy …

I wonder which metropolitan television newsroom has a spring in its step since the boss has been away for a break? They’ve been under the direction of his seasoned second-in-command, and have been pulling decent numbers. The sense of dread surrounding the boss’ return next Wednesday is amazing. Perhaps the powers that be know that negativity is not the path to success, and that the current structure is working well. Changes in the wind?

Apparently the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts Green Loans team have been instructed to “go slow” to draw the program out at low cost until after the election, after which the scheme is to be scrapped at the expense of bureaucrat jobs and assessor jobs!

It seems rather unfortunate that yahoo.com has a series of photos of quake devastation in Haiti posted under the heading “Entertainment Galleries.”

From the grassy knoll? Is it true that SIEV 36 exploded while the navy was refuelling her? Does this explain the gag order the navy won, which suppresses events leading up to the explosion?