At the recent London conference on Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai declared he would begin negotiations with top leaders of the Taliban, whom he called his “disenchanted brothers”.
“We must reach out to all of our countrymen,” he said, “who are not part of al-Qaeda, or other terrorist networks.”
Karzai’s proposal has received cautious support from many members of the occupying coalition in Afghanistan. Even the US, which prefers a scheme in which the western coalition pays rank-and-file Taliban fighters to lay down their arms, did not publicly criticise Karzai’s invitation to the Taliban leadership to attend a “grand peace jirga [council]”.
“You don’t make peace with your friends,” explained US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. “You have to be willing to engage with your enemies.”
Now, it’s by no means clear that the Taliban want to negotiate. After all, they currently seem to be winning.
Still, a few days ago, the Guardian reported that Mullah Muhammad Omar, the Afghan Taliban leader himself, was prepared to break with al-Qaeda in return for peace. That claim came from a former Pakistani intelligence officer who had trained Omar during the civil war in the 1990s. Brigadier Sultan Amir Tarar explained: “The moment [Omar] gets control the first target will be the al-Qaeda people. He wants peace in the country, he doesn’t want adventure. He has enough of that.”
Furthermore, in December, the Wall Street Journal noted a Taliban communiqué that seemed to promise that the group would forswear al-Qaeda in return for the withdrawal of foreign troops.
These hints at a schism between the pan-Islamist terror group al-Qaeda and the Pashtun-based Taliban make Karzai’s negotiations seem far more plausible. Imagine, for instance, if Mullah Omar handed Osama bin Laden over to the international community! What a breakthrough that would be!
Well, here’s the thing: the Taliban offered precisely that. Nine years ago.
In 2001, before the ground invasion began, the Taliban deputy prime minister, Haji Abdul Kabir, proposed to give up bin Laden. He made only three conditions: the bombing would have to stop, the US would need to show evidence of bin Laden’s responsibility for the September 11 attacks, and bin Laden would have to receive a trial in a third country.
How serious was the offer? According to the Washington Post, before 9/11 the Taliban had met with US officials more than 20 times, repeatedly suggesting they would hand over bin Laden. After 9/11, the Taliban leaders were, Jeremy R. Hammond at the Foreign Policy Journal suggests, furious at the al-Qaeda leader for what they saw as his adventurism.
But the US rejected talks out of hand. A few days later, the Taliban repeated the proposal — and this time dropped the demand for evidence. Once more, Bush refused.
At the time, the US reaction generated very little comment. After all, those were days in which the Afghan mission was presented as part of a clash of civilisations, extending far beyond bin Laden. The overthrow of the Taliban was, it was said, necessary to liberate women, to protect human rights, to restore democracy. One could not negotiate with such people.
Today, however, that’s all changed.
These days, when it comes to women, the warlords of the Karzai regime and the warlords of Mullah Omar seem increasingly similar. Last year, for instance, Karzai himself backed a law that criminalised married women refusing s-x to their husbands, and banned them from leaving the house, seeking work, schooling or visiting doctor without their husbands’ permission.
The human rights situation remains uniformly grim, with the Afghan security forces routinely torturing detainees, and Karzai running in the last election alongside Mohamed Fahim, a man accused by Amnesty International of some of the worst abuses in the country.
As for democracy, again, Karzai set the tone. His own electoral legitimacy rests on a 2009 poll, which he won only through ballot stuffing, voter intimidation and other (well-documented) chicanery.
It’s true that the negotiations proposed in London were predicated on Taliban acceptance of the Afghan constitution. Yet few people realise that that document, cobbled together by Karzai’s warlord allies, declares Afghanistan to be “an Islamic Republic” and states that “no law can be contrary to the beliefs and provisions of the sacred religion of Islam”.
Could the Taliban accept such a constitution? It’s hard to see why they couldn’t.
As Winston Churchill said, to jaw–jaw is always better than to war–war, especially in Afghanistan where the people have endured decades of continuous conflict.
But it’s odd there hasn’t been more discussion of how, nine years into the occupation, we’re countenancing negotiations on terms significantly worse than those offered before the war actually began.
That is, in 2001, a deal with the Taliban would have meant accepting a repressive and authoritarian government in return for the capture of bin Laden. Negotiations at that point would have spared tens of thousands of lives, and saved the $172 billion the war is currently estimated to have cost. Had that extraordinary amount of money gone to, say, alleviate Afghan poverty and promote development rather than funding an occupation, it might even have spurred a civil society capable of challenging the Taliban from within.
Instead, however, bin Laden’s still free and Afghanistan remains as impoverished and miserable as ever, even as we accept (in fact, fund) a repressive and authoritarian government in the form of Karzai and his gang. And now the Taliban, whether by negotiation or military success, seem almost certain to play some role in a future Afghan government.
So nine years of bloodshed and death, and billions upon billions of dollars spent. What was it all for?
Indeed, nine years to re-establish the certainty that there is a place for women and women know their place. Almost time to return.
Once again, I am convinced that the cost of the military establishment is excessive. The existence of this huge industry in its present form is outrageous, given that its purpose is in no way humanitarian.
I hope for a future where funds for good works are greater than funds for the amoral use of force to obtain nationalistic objectives.
For example, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has committed billions of dollars to the eradication of polio, for malaria prevention and zilch for arms. If only half of the trillions spent internationally on warmaking could be similarly directed… … just wishing.
American interference in Afghanistan’s affairs did not begin post 9/11. In the late 1970s a systematic program was carried out which included a policy of creating conditions that would cause the Soviet Union to intervene in support of the nationalist government then in power in Kabul. That duly happened giving the USSR what Brzezinski gleefully called “its own Vietnam”. For years thereafter the Americans trained and supported the mujihideen (including one Osama bin Laden) to wage a guerilla war in Afghanistan. After the Russians withdrew there was a period of instabilit and civil war eventually ended by the Taliban coming to power. The Americans had no problems then with a Taliban government, in fact paying the wages of senior government officials.
It was only when, in June 2001, the Taliban government refused the American’s demands with respect to the pipeline to bring oil and gas from the rich Caspian fields, did relations sour. Bush then signed the executive order for the bombing of Afghanistan to commence in October. The plans had been in place for many months before that.
The events of 11 September 2001 provided the Americans with the excuse, but it was not the reason for the invasion. As Mr Sparrow points out, the Taliban agreed to hand bin Laden over to an international tribunal if the americans could produce evidence that bin Laden was in fact responsible for 9/11 (something the man himself vehemently denied before his probable death in December 2001),
The Americans refused to produce that evidence. I suggest for two reasons. First, they did not and indeed could not produce such evidence because there is none. Secondly, they intended to invade anyway because they had their eyes on the huge energy prize of the “stans” to the north. It is not a coincidence that they have since built four huge bases which are placed to protect the pipeline route. That fact also suggests that they are not intending to leave anytime soon.
Even if bin Laden had been responsible for 9/11 the American (and Australian) invasion and occupation would still be illegal under international law. That inconvenient fact is notably missing from the Australian media’s discussions on Afghanistan, as is any sense of history.
As a result of this blind adherence to America’s imperial follies Australia is endangered in a way they never should be. In this Rudd is now just as culpable as Howard, although as the notion of accountability for war crimes has disappeared from our vocabulary don’t expect any change soon.
@ J.O’Neill
You say many intriguingly unfamiliar things which one might like to follow up if your credibility was not sullied by your saying “Even if bin Laden had been responsible for 9/11 the American (and Australian) invasion and occupation would still be illegal under international law” without referring to Security Council Resolution 1386 unanimously passed on December 20, 2001.
What else should we be wary about in what you say?
The Americans haven’t come up with any proof over Bin Laden’s involvment because there probably isn’t any. They, not Bin Laden , are the most dangerous people on this planet. Never lose sight of that fact