The much anticipated appearance of Jon Stewart on The O’Reilly Factor. Watch as the funny man of the “liberal” media crosses swords with Fox’s favourite conservative.
The much anticipated appearance of Jon Stewart on The O’Reilly Factor. Watch as the funny man of the “liberal” media crosses swords with Fox’s favourite conservative. [youtube][/youtube]
article-article-bodyThe much anticipated appearance of Jon Stewart on The O’Reilly Factor. Watch as the funny man of the “liberal” media crosses swords with Fox’s favourite conservative.
What seems obvious is that despite their political differences they like each other.
But they don’t compete.
Nevertheless excellent tv.
The ‘battle’ I’d like to see is O’Reilly vs Olbermann.
They do compete but O’Reilly has six times the audience of the fulminating hate-mongerer Olbermann.
Olbermann is a fulminating hate-mongerer? And this is while comparing him to Bill O’Reilly and Fox News. I was going to suggest that you’re opinion seems somewhat Fox News ish, but I’m not sure you’d understand intelligent reasoning. It must be truly comforting to hold opinions will not change regardless of the number of facts that suggest it is wrong. Take a quick look around at the people who share your opinions – it must make you proud. Convenient too – you can swap both guns and partners (wives, sisters, farm animals, . . .).
When you see the numbers of Americans who believe that Obama is a Muslim, wasn’t born in America, is a socialist and a host of other loopy ideas, there’s little doubt that Faux news has been pumping this nutbag agenda successfully.
O’Reilly’s protestations are disingenuous, like most of what comes out of Fox.
@Brett Blinkered Gaskin
I particularly enjoyed Stewart’s recent take-down of Olbermann at his mouth spittling best endeavouring a hatchet job on Scott Brown.
Olbermann’s response was a delicious display of peevishness:
Howard copied Pox news , keep telling the same lie ,over and over and the dumb will think its true. In the USA , bush and friends helped the masses be dumbed down and gave them a flag and gun and sent them on a oil war. Cannon fodder.