This job ad just in:
For the love of Mike, that’s some paypacket…
Here's an exciting opportunity for an ambitious Labor Party hack to kick a $450K goal...
article-article-bodyHere's an exciting opportunity for an ambitious Labor Party hack to kick a $450K goal...
article-article-bodyThis job ad just in:
You forgot the most important selection criteria. ie Must have lost the ALP state government through inept handling of the Mundingburra affair. Must have been forced to resign his position as elected member of a Queensland State seat due to admissions of electoral rorting (fraud to anyone else). Must have been thrown out of NSW after mishandling the privatisation debacle and getting his boss sacked. Must be prepared to do anything, and that means anything that Bill Ludwig or Joe De Bruyn tell him.
While I do not condone the the method of Kaiser’s appointment, it is a bit rich for the holier than thou Lib/Nat mob to cry wolf. 12 years of the Howard Govt saw jobs for the boys over and over again. So lets not get too carried away. Successive Govts have done it and will continue to do it. If the Opposition are going to make a big deal of this appointment, their dirty deeds in Govt will be dragged out. The point has been made, nothing will change, so be it.