The Australian reports the latest bi-monthly survey of Victorian state voting intention has Labor with a two-party lead of 54-46, down from 57-43 at the previous two surveys. This masks a sagging Labor primary vote, which over three surveys has gone from 43 per cent to 41 per cent to 39 per cent, which is level-pegging with the Coalition (who are up four points on the last survey). The Greens are steady on 14 per cent. John Brumby’s approval rating has slumped six points to 45 per cent, while his disapproval is up three to 41 per cent. Ted Baillieu’s figures are 41 per cent and 39 per cent, up one and down two (thus moving him from net negative to positive). Brumby maintains a commanding lead as preferred premier of 51 per cent to 29 per cent.

UPDATE (1/3/10): Here’s a turn-up: a Morgan phone poll on Victorian state voting intention. Unfortunately, it has a sample of only 407 and a margin-of-error of nearly 5 per cent. That’s as well for Labor, as it has the Coalition with a 50.5-49.5 lead on two-party preferred, from primary votes of 37.5 per cent for Labor, 44.5 per cent for the Coalition and 11.5 per cent for the Greens. Curiously, the poll was conducted over a 12-day period from February 17-28.