After years of individual state curriculums for school, the first national curriculum has been released for public discussion (full plan can be viewed here). The new curriculum plans to cover less topics, but in more depth, and with a greater focus on indigenous and Asian histories.
But how does the new curriculum hold up? Is the ‘back to basics’ (or ‘basics and beyond‘) attitude a positive one, or are we at risk of oversimplifying our education system? Will the culture wars continue in our classrooms?
National Times
Tim Hawkes: Less will mean more in national curriculum
This will be welcome news to many teachers now engaged in frantic topic-hopping as they seek to cover the wide breadth of material in the existing curriculum. We need to study less in order to learn more.
Libby Tudball: Curriculum’s narrow focus leaves students bereft of big ideas
Yes, we want students who are knowledgeable in maths, science, history and English, but we must recognise that some of the most important knowledge will not fall neatly into these disciplines – politics, multiculturalism, water shortages, increasing violence and under-age drinking are vital concerns in their lives.
The Age
Farrah Tomazin and Miki Perkins: A sound beginning
But while most observers agree that national consistency will make it easier for the thousands of students who move interstate each year, the extent to which the curriculum will actually lift the performance of Australian schools is a moot point
Sydney Morning Herald
Anna Patty: Whirlwind education reform leaves nation’s teachers in a spin
It is designed to give the Education Minister, Julia Gillard, something tangible to offer voters come election time later this year – the problems will come later, as teachers (who were not consulted in the curriculum drafting process) struggle to teach unfamiliar subjects.
The Punch
David Penberthy: Taking off the white blindfold and black armband
And from what has been reported so far, and judging from the information on the curriculum website, the architects of this new framework have tried hard to be neither the captives of the left nor the right in determining what our young people learn about who we are.
Herald Sun
Phillip Hudson: Look out Kevin, it’s Julia who’s driving the crucial class action
But Julia Gillard really has presided over an education revolution. She has forced through radical changes, but they are anything but Left-wing.
Courier Mail
Dennis Atkins: Rudd, Abbott and Gillard have a different spin on plain speaking
It was a clear demonstration of clearly understandable policy, clearly communicated. Perhaps she’ll give her boss some tips.
“Back to Basics” is euphemistic admission of failure.
Amidst all the populist contrition being bandied about, how about apologising for thirty years of corrupted education process that has resulted in unprecendented low levels of numeracy and literacy across Australia’s children.
An unmitigated disaster and a complete disgrace.
“thirty years of corrupted education process that has resulted in unprecendented low levels of numeracy and literacy across Australia’s children.”
The last figures I could find (in a 5 minute google search) were from 2006 – The ABS Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey 2006
“There are fewer Australians with literacy assessed as being in the lowest category than there were a decade ago, according to figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)”
“Internationally, the seven countries (including Australia) involved in the survey can be ranked to compare literacy proficiency based on the proportion of people aged 16 to 65 years (a common age scope across the seven countries) achieving this level. Australia ranked in the middle of each scale”
but you are never one to let facts get in the way of a good story eh MPM ?
“…The ABS Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey 2006…”
Who cares about adults.
We are talking about children. Did you miss that bit?
“…Australia ranked in the middle of each scale…”
Now there’s a statistic to be proud of.
1) “thirty years of corrupted education process”
Do you think that maybe in that thirty year period those chilren may now be adults ? (most of us manage to grow up, maybe you will join us one day).
If you have other more up to date statistics and real data about literacy levels, please provide links, I would like to read them. (This doesnt include uninformed, hysterical blogs by Miranda, Bolt or Ackerman)
2) “…Australia ranked in the middle of each scale…”
Now there’s a statistic to be proud of.
The countries involved were
United States of America, Bermuda, Canada, Italy, Mexico (state of Nuevo Leon), Norway, Switzerland,Hungary, the Netherlands, New Zealand and South Korea (however not all countries particpated in all parts of the survey, so its not as simple as just comparing raw results. Yes I know you like things simple, unfortunately the real world just isn’t like that)
Please explain why you think Australia should outrank all of these in terms of literacy ? At the youngest age group (16-24, ie recent school leavers) Australia had higher literacy rates than Italy and the USA, slighly lower than Canada and quite a bit behind Norway.
Here is another alarming statistic for you – approximately 50% of children read at a level below the average ability for children in their age catgory – How Shocking !!!
Pauline Wilberforce you nong. Victoria’s year 12 completion rate is now at 88.7% up from about 78% when the libs ran the joint into the ground.
I know you hate those facty thingies but here’s a link to extracts from the PISA report which measures Scientific, mathmatical and reading literacy in 15 year olds from 57 countries.
We didn’t top the scal but we performed well. Certainly not an unmitigated disaster and a complete disgrace but your bind hatred of all things left leads you to keep saying things that you a) know little of and b) are wrong.
Once agian this post is really for those people who’d like to find out some information rather than a response to her trollness