Yesterday, Peter Costello let rip at former Liberal pal Tony Abbott’s paid paternal leave plan in a now notorious column in National Times. Costello compared Abbott to a gung-ho Crocodile Dundee, engaging in an extreme policy race to the bottom with Rudd.
Immediately, Michelle Grattan called it a “scathing attack” and “a damaging intervention for the Liberals”.
Surprise, surprise the Liberals weren’t too impressed by the public slaughtering by an old supporter. While Tony Abbott kept fairly quiet yesterday, other Libs weren’t to be silenced.
“Is that what you get for $150,000 a year?” asked Joe Hockey, in reference to Costello’s new Future Fund job.
“Buzz off, Pete… When you leave this place, it’s not a bad idea that you keep your trap shut” said Wilson Tuckey.
“I think Peter is a few stations ahead of Mark Latham” noted Barnaby Joyce.
But what are the pundits saying about the spat today?
The Australian:
Matthew Franklin: Peter Costello sledge gives ALP free kick at Tony Abbott
Labor ministers lined up to back Mr Costello yesterday, saying the former treasurer would not have gone public with his criticism without having serious concerns about Mr Abbott’s plan.
Sydney Morning Herald:
Phillip Coorey: Keep your nose out, Liberals tell Costello
Mr Costello, echoing the private thoughts of many Liberals, said it was a silly idea that would reduce the global competitiveness of Australian business and one which contravened the Liberal philosophy of low taxes.
The Age
Michelle Grattan: It’s ‘buzz off’ for Costello on leave
The normally pugilistic Tony Abbott has declined to throw a punch at Peter Costello, after the former treasurer’s scathing attack on the opposition’s expensive parental leave scheme.
The Courier Mail
Dennis Atkins: Tony Abbott’s parental leave proposal under fire from Peter Costello
Abbott parked his fighting instincts and kept singing from his tightly scripted song-sheet, refusing to get into an argument with the band’s old second fiddle player.
Grogs Gamut: On the QT: it must be love
Here was Tony Abbott in August 2008, talking about Peter Costello: “I suppose we are all publicly saying what a terrific bloke he is, what a fantastic political talent he is, how much we miss him. We love him. We want him.” Methinks the love ain’t being felt so much today…
Larvatus Prodeo, Costello piles on
After the insulation debacle, the Liberals should have been reiterating their story about the government’s policy woes. Instead, they’re defending their own policy. Not smart.
As the papers seemed to fail to mention, Costello also dropped a bucket of crap onto KRudd’s hospital plan so he was, bless his Tory heart, about equal in his attacks.