Who knew, a mere five weeks back, that the Tasmanian and South Australian elections would morph into such nail biters?

Listen for the sharp intake of breath from the federal government as it waits on tomorrow’s results, above, that is, the soft hum of shredding machines in both states.

There’s been plenty of colour and movement in both campaigns — images of angry men wielding rolled-up magazines, nine-year-olds fielding calls about heroin, pesky blondes appearing at art gallery openings — but essentially both polls can be boiled down to a verdict on hubris.

Today, Hendrik Gout says the South Australian campaign can be summed up the one iconic image, and no, it’s not the scars on Mike Rann’s face, but Premier Mike Rann and Attorney General Michael Atkinson, standing astride a crushed car — a symbolic pledge to “crush car hoons” on their part — to Gout, and many voters, arrogance writ large.

But for us, the image that best illustrates five weeks of wonderfully rich political coverage comes from our friends at The Advertiser, who on Tuesday brought us this — a collage of prominent South Australians photoshopped into characters from Avatar:


For some political coverage that’s a little more nuanced, a little less Na’avi, jump into our Election Eve Live chat today at 2pm.

Everyone who’s anyone will be there — with all our regular wonks including Possum Comitatus, Poll Bludger, Greg Barnes from Hobart, Charles Richardson in Tasmania, Hendrik Gout editor of The Independent Weekly and Michael Jacobs from Adelaide, plus many more on predictions, campaign highlights and all that guff…