tas ed

It’s the eve of the South Australian and Tasmanian state elections, and time for the papers to engage in the time-honoured tradition of telling their readers for whom to vote.

In SA, both The Oz and Advertiser are calling for voters to look beyond Mike Rann’s… colourful personal life and vote for him over rising star Isobel Redmond:

South Australia

The Australian: Sex, spin and down to the wire in South Australia

On Saturday, South Australians should look beyond the Premier’s image and his personal problems and focus on the real challenges facing the state, before deciding to deny Labor a third term.

Advertiser: Vote on Rann’s record, not his personality

While Mr Rann may be a master of spin, and is paying the price for that, when he talks about the economy and future development he is making a valid point.

… Labor should be returned to office.

In Tassie, The Oz is also nailing its colours to Labor’s mast despite the party’s recent problems:


The Australian: Tasmanians need a clear result

Mr Bartlett’s performance in his 22 months as Premier, akin to a sustained sprint, makes him deserving of a mandate.

We’re still trying to get our mainland mitts on the Mercury and Advocate‘s editorials (if you’ve got’em, plus a scanner and some spare time, please send them through)

UPDATED: Here’s the Mercury, but it doesn’t actually back either party. Weak!

Mercury: Tasmania’s watershed moment

Unless there is a late rush to the Labor or the Liberals, Tasmanians face a House with no clear winner — simply because voters will be sending a strong signal that they want a new way.