Please will someone fix the Tax Office computers? The NOAs are not going out with money held up because the computer cannot reconcile a NOA; the computer cannot communicate with Centrelink and people are being threatened to  be thrown off welfare; child support is being deducted but not sent to the custodial parent; people have had caveats put on their house because they can’t pay their bills; people have lost house deposits because they cannot fulfill the contract because refunds are held up; agents cannot bill for services because their clients have not got their money.

Understand when the Tax Office says processed it does not mean sent out. If you are going to ask them anything ask them to clarify what they mean with the words they use and when they quote numbers, do they only mean tax returns or BAS forms too which are on the old computer? Why was the commissioner out of the country when the computers turned on?

When the full ramifications of this are revealed the government will go into meltdown and a new hospital system will not save them. The Tax Office has breached its own code of conduct. A lot of good people are being hurt here.

Hot on the high, and very fashionable, heels of Industrie, Carla Zampatti and Camilla and Marc, beleaguered department store Myer could quite possibly lose another high profile designer to DJs. Early days, but intense dissatisfaction with the down-market spiral and poor service at Myer is set to force the hand of one of the industry’s darlings. In fact, the joke doing the rounds of the industry is that with so few designer brands left at Myer, there’s a bigger threat of middle-market brands defecting to Target, Big W and Kmart.

If David Fagan and Liz Deegan’s moves at The Courier Mail and Sunday Mail were so good for them both, why was it left to rivals Brisbane Times to break the news? You are only half right in giving the Lord Mayor credit…

The South Australian Electoral Commission’s website was gone for most of election night, and apparently played havoc with News Limited’s coverage. It may explain the ABC’s graphics problems as well. Surely government departments would have learnt their lesson about load spikes after CFA’s website crashed during the Victorian bushfires.