The press gallery is scrubbing up in preparation for today’s Abbott v Rudd 12.30pm health debate.
Politicians are busy comparing column inches in today’s tabloids (Rudd in the Herald Sun and The Age, ditto Abbott: “more beds, not bureaucrats”) and shoring up soundbites (Roxon and Bishop in The Punch).
The tactics of Tony are being scrutinized (“Mr Abbott’s declaration that he won’t disclose his policy today doesn’t necessarily preclude his producing something to grab attention…”: Grattan); the wisdom of Kevin is being questioned (“almost nobody in Rudd’s corner knew anything about it”: Jackman), and an old friend has re-emerged (“…will the Worm prove a friend of Rudd again today? Or has the Worm turned, in favour of Tony Abbott?”: Maiden.)
Meanwhile, in a parallel universe, President Barack Obama has managed to push the most comprehensive US health reform in the last 100 years through the House of Representatives.
This particular political tactic will extend insurance coverage to 32 million Americans. And Obama’s subsequent speech had plenty of soundbites. “This is what change looks like,” being one of them.
Funny thing is, this grab actually has a ring of truth to it.
And in the time honoured Crikey tradition of having our cake and eating it too, we will sniff at the empty, hollow gesture that is today’s debate in our editorial, while also promising you a LIVE BLOG on the HEALTH DEBATE SMACKDOWN at 12.30 today. Starring BERNARD KEANE, MELISSA SWEET, RICHARD FARMER and the CRIKEY TEAM, and topped off with a FIRST DOG DRINKING GAME. A drinking game on a TUESDAY? Based on a HEALTH DEBATE? Yes we can.
Regarding “The Worm”: Watching the debate today, the worm controlled by the selected studio audience seemed to me to go up or down according to the majority’s biases. I think it had little to do with how the audience was perceiving the facts or the contexts. The one man interviewed from the audience admitted he came in with a 70-30 point of view, ie 70% favouring the Rudd approach (more like 100% probably).
It’s an Ill Worm That Has No Turning [Virginia Wolfe]
I’m a grateful consumer of all things Medicare — when they exist and are of good quality. There have been a few yawning gaps like connective therapies for children with Cerebral Palsy and I really, really quite like squeaky clean accident and emergency rooms.
The health system is still run like a hot bread shop. Doctors are rewarded on throughput, not quality of outcome. How about a league table for specialists, doctors and hospitals. Results for smokers and folk at the end stage of terminal illness can have their stats exempted. We don’t need to spend the whole of the health budget on the last six months of life.
And as for Rudd saying the health care system is sick, the mental health system was and still is cactus. It was buried by Richmond. You can’t treat the sharp end of mental health (suicide prevention) as a 9 to 5 Monday to Friday business.
We need to learn from the strengths and mistakes of the US, Cuban, Canadian and UK health process, not replicate them. Abbott /Wingnut also needs to understand that the entry point for most health consumers is the public system, not those places with newspapers, gold vases, spatchcock, valet parking and free wine that turf you out in 3 days flat.
We can’t feel too confident about leaving our genetic tests and contraceptive advice to the latter to a fellow who believes that females are mere gifts to be unwrapped by husbands, either.
Jane Salmon