Treasurer Wayne Swan has been having a not so subtle dig at the time Tony Abbott spends clocking up the ks on his bicycle, battling the surf and gadding about on quad bikes.

“I personally would love to go surfing more often but I can’t because I’ve got a very important job to do,” sulks Swan.

On your bike, Wayne. There’s plenty to criticise the Opposition leader over, but the toned one’s fitness regimen isn’t it.

Try this instead: today Paul Kelly dubs Tony Abbott’s call to bump Barnaby Joyce from the finance portfolio a “brave and correct decision”.

But what about the initial decision to hand him the job just four months ago?

Giving Robb, a man who actually has a clue about millions and billions, a guernsey now doesn’t exonerate the original judgement call to anoint “former accountant” Joyce in the first place.