Immigration minister Chris Evans on Friday, announcing the temporary suspension of processing of asylum claims by Afghans and Sri Lankans:
“… people aren’t being denied their right to seek asylum, but it’s been suspended.”
Respondents to a recent Morgan poll, as broken down by Possum Comitatus on Pollytics:
As broken down by voters:
The people have spoken.
looking at the FF respondents views I guess there aren’t any asylum seekers families.
Perhaps for the FF voters the question could be worded
should asylum seeker families arriving by boat be allowed to apply for Immigration as now…
or better:
should Christian asylum seeker families arriving by boat be allowed to apply for Immigration as now…
If Comitatus can’t get it right what hope do we have?
ok Iwas shouting but how else will this be heard.
Asylum Seekers are applying to be recognised as refugees- a big difference. THis is a right guaranteed to them by Australia when we signed the UN convention of Refugees. We said that we would not punish them for their mode of arrival nor becasue they do not have papers –
see ART 31
MIGRANTS come here by choice
ASYLUM SEEKERS FLEE- no choice – just running wherever there is a way to go.
HOW do we get the message across that there is a big difference? Please tell me HOW? or do we really not care? rather bash boat people?
I believe the correct terminology is suspected illegal entrants, hence SIEV (suspected illegal entry vessel).
I read these poll results and wonder why neither I nor any of my friends are ever contacted by any polling company. Those who exhibit a mean and nasty streak do not speak for me, nor for most of those I know.
For a while Rudd and his team looked like they might be human. Rudd even had us remembering many of the deeds of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and we had hopes he might lead us out of the meanness and bigotry of John Howard and those of his party who were too miserable to stand up to him. Now the Labor government is caving in. Will we ever see real leadership where someone will do what is right and exert a bit of oratory to take the people along a better path? Or are we condemned to live in a country where the voice of shock jocks is allowed to influence government policy?
Rosemary Stanton
@PAMELA – I’m on your side, but you cannot accuse P. Comitatus of any error here. That question is obviously pasted directly from the Morgan material. More to the point – ask why Morgan phrased the question in that way.