The Henry Tax Review — What really happened
Ken Henry and the Cyborg Wombats live in concert at the Hordern Pavilion June 3 - Book Now!
article-article-bodyKen Henry and the Cyborg Wombats live in concert at the Hordern Pavilion June 3 - Book Now!
Wombat Cyborgs….hmm, good name for a band.
Next in Episode 2…….
An angry Ken Henry fiendishly re-programs his wisdom* of Wombat Cybords. Now with glowing red eyes and an ominous ticking sound, they start slowly goose-stepping en masse to The Lodge.
(*what a group of wombats is called)
Ur funny. Kevin Rudd’s cat can do my taxes.
For a nano-second I read it as ‘Kevin Rudd’s Cat licked its tax-reviewing loser arse’.
Now that I would pay good money to see and read in a cartoon.
Don’t worry Holden Back.
First the kicking…… and *then* the licking……To be continued. 🙂
P.S. FD. Glad to see Jasper’s back and “kicking” so to speak.
I was a bit worried that after the K.Rudd’s pets book launching debacle,
he’d been placed on the copyright list and was outside the salary cap.