So once we all get over the silliness of yesterday, there’s a bit to consider in what Joe Hockey and Andrew Robb offered yesterday.
Hockey briefly appeared to threaten to “hit the ground reviewing” by leading with a planned look into the Trade Practices Act and an infrastructure audit — but stopped there. He was correct to single out infrastructure access as an issue in need of resolution. After Chris Bowen initiated a review of infrastructure access processes — which have been a lawyers’ delight in areas like telecommunications and rail access in the Pilbara — in 2008, he produced draft legislation last year to speed up the process of determining conditions under which infrastructure access was provided to third parties.
That legislation was sent off to a Senate committee, which reported in March and broadly supported the bill, although the Coalition had some concerns about limitations on merit-based reviews of decisions. Whether the bill gets through parliament in the limited time left for the Senate to sit before the election remains to be seen.
The bill split the mining industry, with the big incumbents predictably complaining about it, and newcomers like Fortescue liking it. As far as the large mining companies are concerned, any sort of infrastructure access regime is an evil and, inevitably, will discourage investment (the mere existence of an Australian mining industry is remarkable given how many times miners have warned that government policies will discourage investment in recent decades).
The issue will be whether the Coalition wants to continue its act as the parliamentary wing of the big miners by neutering the infrastructure access process, or whether they’re fair dinkum about establishing a workable process.
But conversely, Hockey also emphasised the need for “fair” markets yesterday. Like “fair trade”, the term should worry anyone who values competition. Hockey wants the review of the TPA to consider how to better protect small business from “unfair” competition. We’ve already been down this route with Barnaby Joyce’s appalling ‘Birdsville amendment’ that in effect elevates the right of small business to operate inefficiently above the rights of consumers to benefit from competition. Hopefully Hockey’s review won’t involve a further tilting of the regulatory playing field toward small business and away from larger businesses — who will be punished enough by the Coalition with its paid parental leave levy.
On financial services, though, Hockey and the Coalition have been left high and dry. Yesterday Hockey was promising to revisit the Financial Services Reform Act to improve disclosure by financial planners, mainly by making disclosure statements shorter. This is where the debate on commissions and financial planners’ obligations to clients was two years ago, when the financial planning industry was insisting commissions were fine as long as they were disclosed properly. Since then much of the industry itself has rapidly moved to ditch commissions, and Chris Bowen has announced there’ll be a fiduciary duty imposed on financial planners as well as the phase-out of commission from 2012. The impression that the Coalition just doesn’t get it on financial management issues is stronger than ever.
While the Coalition’s savings might have been wildly overstated, there are some sensible cuts. Ending the Sisyphean task of establishing a workable e-health record system is overdue. The federal government has been wasting tens of millions on trying to achieve some form of interoperability in health records for years, with no progress. A private report by Ovum released in January suggested Australia had already wasted $5 billion by all levels of government on e-health and made no progress of any kind. Overseas efforts to develop e-health systems have also turned out to be an expensive waste of time. While everyone agrees on the benefits of electronic patient records, we’re still bedevilled by a digital break-of-gauge between different jurisdictions that means, however laudable its objectives, expenditure will be wasted until there’s a unitary funder of health systems. Time to admit defeat and quit throwing good money after bad.
And while the government used the Budget to slash its Green Car Innovation Fund — a tiny delivery mechanism for the billions it is wasting protecting the Australian car industry — the Coalition has proposed damn near killing the whole thing off by ripping another $280 million out of it. Last year Joe Hockey floated the idea of cutting back on the level of support for the car industry (and copped some grief from colleagues as a result) but hopefully this will be the start of the Coalition ending the bipartisan support for propping up manufacturing at the cost of billions of dollars for taxpayers and higher costs for consumers.
And why Medibank Private remains in government hands is a complete mystery. Both sides of politics are culpable on this one. The sooner it is offloaded from public ownership, the better. The only worry is that the Liberals have promised to flog it before and baulked. The public sector has no business owning a health insurance outfit.
Some of the cuts seem unnecessarily punitive. Saving $15 million from climate change adaptation funding for will have a disproportionate impact on our Pacific neighbours, where the impacts of climate change are already being felt. And claiming $200 million from reducing public service consultancies is a fantasy.
Nevertheless, Hockey and Robb yesterday produced more substance than Tony Abbott has managed all year. Robb was insistent it was just the start. Hopefully he’s right.
Bernard following the tone of recent articles, this one gives the indication you over indulged in the copious quantities of wine that seemed to be spread around the tables at the Press Club. That must have sent you into an alcohol induced sleep. Your aticle is full of contradictions, you compare Hockey with Abbott then praise Hockey and Robb because they had more substance than Abbott. Just how much substance do you think was required to outdo Abbott???
You miss the point. Haven’t sold your soul to the Opposition perchance? Or been made an offer by News Ltd?
Can someone tell me what the benefit of Medibank being privatised will be? I mean when something that is supposed to exist for the benefit of it’s members, suddenly becomes for the benefit of it’s shareholders, surely that can’t be good? Will this end up like the US healthcare system?
Ahhh Bernard. I know there is a few people out there who think you are a leftie but I’ve always believed you were really right. Not that I have ever had a problem with this as I like to get many points of view. I don’t agree with anything you have said here. Usually the coalition delivers something of merit in their budget but this budget reply really is a pile of codswallop.
Benefit of Medibank Private being privatised?
Well up until last year, it was run as a “not for profit” and so provided absolutely no gain in revenue to the Government (in either dividends or tax). That changed in 2009 where it has been listed as “For Profit” and now will have to pay taxes on its earnings. No obligation for Medibank Private to provide dividends however and as there is no secondary market for it’s shares, it can’t provide a capital gain. So still no return on Capital for the government. Financial assets that aren’t earning a return on capital should be sold (this is a pure investment decision)
Second reason is they can get a good price for it. in 2008, the amount of share capital held by the Government was $85 million in MPL. If they can sell the thing for $4 billion that’s a huge return.
Third reason is that the Private Health Insurance market is now competitive enough to no longer need a government owned private insurer to control premiums.
The last reason is that without the conflict of interest of owning and regulating, they can now fully reform the private health insurance industry (they need to ensure that waiting periods for treatment can be transferred from one insurer to another). This is one of the big reasons why people don’t swap insurers.
I too, am one of those troglodytes, that think , with health costs what they are and “health insurance” the potentially “lucrative business” it could be, for it’s share-holders, that Medibank Private, owned as it is now, through it’s competitive influence, holds those premiums down for the less well-off. That while such a sale could benefit share-holders, health-care premiums could become a greater “luxury” for a greater number of people.
What sort of “service” do we get from any number of those “privatised” concerns various governments have sold off, to lessen “public debt” (that still exists and continues to reproduce), to match the rhetoric used to encourage acceptance of the sale? C’wealth bank, Telstra, “power”, “water”? QANTAS/travel might be cheaper, but what about that other “record” of theirs, so influenced by their bottom line?
“Visy-goths” can say what they like, about “competitive forces”.