Julia Gillard:
Nicholas Way writes: Re. “The execution of Kevin Rudd — brutally efficient” (yesterday, item 1). It was fascinating to read over recent days how former prime minister Kevin Rudd and his office operated; intellect but no political nous.
It reminds me of that brilliant story from the late David Halberstam’s classic, The Best and the Brightest, on why the US got Vietnam so wrong. LBJ, on meeting the Kennedy cabinet/White House team for the first time, came back to see his fellow Texan and then Speaker of the House of Reps, Sam Rayburn, extolling the intellectual power Kennedy had enlisted.
Rayburn evidently listened and then quietly said, “that may be so, but I would be much happier if just one of them had run for sheriff”.
Pamela Papadopoulos writes: Decency, bloody hard work and intellect in politics do not always make a good combination for someone like Kevin Rudd.
Congratulations to Julia Gillard for acknowledging these important attributes and being gracious in Mr Rudd’s defeat. Sometimes it’s the journey and not the outcome that is important.
Jenny Ejlak writes: Julia Gillard’s quiet acknowledgement of being first female PM followed by focussing on her competency and the work ahead is what feminism is all about — people should be judged on their merits not their gender.
Historically — an amazing day. Glad I was around to see it.
Denise Marcos writes: That trusty old maxim has been superseded and must now be amended to “a day is a long time in politics”.
Melanie Farris writes: Re. “Photo gallery: how Julia Gillard said no to the Labor leadership” (yesterday, item 18). Julia Gillard’s speech quite clearly said that she disagreed with Kevin Rudd on the way the government was going and so she sought the backing of the party to contest the leadership.
I’m more disappointed in this than when I thought it was the faction leaders. Having been saying for the past few weeks there would be no leadership challenge — and as demonstrated by all the clever Photoshopping in your special edition — well, she’s lied already…?
Mitchell Holmes writes: Re. “First Dog on the Moon” (yesterday, item 9). So, how will Kevin Rudd’s cat handle the move from The Lodge to a Canberra flat? Does new PM Julia Gillard have any pets?
If so, do they have sufficiently forthright views that will merit appearances in First Dog’s daily cartoon? Could a spin off series be started on new Deputy PM and Treasurer Wayne Swan called “The Birds”, complete with Hitchcock-ian overtones?
Keep up the good work First Dog!
Kate Hannon writes: Gillard first woman PM, what now? How about that republic? And a new flag, and a new national anthem.
Bob Brown:
John Kotsopoulos writes: Good on you Bob Brown. Your stupidity over the ETS has cost Turnbull and Rudd their jobs. If you had accepted the deal that Turnbull and Rudd had made, it only needed another three Libs to cross the floor for the ETS to pass. Your intransigence gave Abbott the impetus to take on Turnbull and forced Rudd to delay the ETS to avoid becoming the meat in the sandwich at the election.
A Report in Wednesday’s Australian at page 4 had support for an ETS in QLD marginals at 70%. Those polled however punished Rudd for delaying the ETS and rewarded the Greens, who voted with Abbott to defeat the ETS, by pushing up their vote. This contradictory attitude, fed by simplistic reporting, is unfortunately typical of other left leaning people now flirting with the Greens.
Rudd and miners:
Justin Templer writes: Mike Carey (yesterday, comments) reckons that miners’ corporate money was “probably backing the deal to oust Rudd”. I’m not sure what rock Mike has his head buried under but to propose that miners’ machinations toppled Rudd is right up there with reds under the bed paranoia.
The closest a miner got to Rudd’s ousting was probably through the CFMEU, but I think the CFMEU would resent being identified with “corporate money”.
Mitchell Holmes: Jasper’s going nowhere!
Checkout today’s FDOTM for the latest.
The powerfox’s stunning announcement, that she and the first hair technician would not be moving into The Lodge, was clearly motivated by a laudable dose of “rat-cunning”.
She knows that no one takes on Jasper and survives. 🙂
the mining industry doesn’t have to move offshore they seem to have
seconded some third world political practices onshore.
a putsch by any other name……….