Play him off Keyboard Cat
It’s not truly over until this happens… [youtube][/youtube]
article-article-bodyIt’s not truly over until this happens… [youtube][/youtube]
I wish Crikey would stop posting these videos that objectify non-human animals, and involve manipulation of them for human amusement. Arent’ there plenty of other things to smile at, in a world where animals are well and truly debased for human consumption of all kinds?
Pick up your game, Crikey, please.
Uhh, Jenny: wuuuuuuuuuut?
I am completely behind Jenny. Animals have a dignity of their own. We know this because it can be funny when for instance a cat slips off the couch or some such slapstick. The fact that they have dignity means that when it is taken away from them against their will it is abusive.
Well, that was pretty… rubbish.
Sorry, but pasting one clip onto another is hardly an ‘effort’, let alone a ‘good’ one.
This wasn’t anywhere near the quality/cleverness of the Helen Hunt / Hall n Oates keyboard cat clip.
Yeah, nah. No good.