What a mess asylum seeker policy appears to be. I say, appears, because there has been so little clear articulation of what it is in the context of other options that existed. To proponents, it is all about looking “tough”. To opponents, it is all about a disproportionate response with high costs in terms of moral authority. It is just hard to know what to make of it all.
What I want to do here, and I am not sure how far I’ll get in a single post, is to try and understand the policy trade-offs and also the constraints on policy choices. But I will start by being up-front about my position on immigration. Immigration is undoubtedly a good thing — for society and the economy. I think of the freedom of the movement of people to be as desirable, if not more so, than the free movement of goods and capital. It is the ultimate in respecting that people have different views and aspirations and that their lives may be more suited to one region or culture than another. My only caveat comes from the notion that short-term crises can cause mass migrations and that it may be better for everyone concerned to manage those incidents in a coordinated fashion (although I note that the case of Israel and migration after the fall of the Soviet Union demonstrates how it can be done).
The Prime Minister’s speech to the Lowy Institute was actually quite good in positioning the debate as she currently sees it. The issues with asylum seekers are as follows. First, Australia has immigration but it is not unfettered and there are areas where migrants can fill economic gaps. Second, when people are fleeing from political oppression, they should be able to jump the queue. Third, the problem is screening for those people. Fourth, that the demand for migration to Australia is fuelling crime against would be migrants — namely, people smuggling. Fifth, some people are racist but that there is an alternative anti-migrant argument based on congestion of public infrastructure.
I want to start by dismissing the last issue as a legitimate anti-migrant concern. Here is what the PM said:
“In many faster-growing parts of Australia — like western Sydney, south-east Queensland and the growth corridors of my own electorate in Melbourne’s west, Wyndham and Melton — people would laugh if you told them population growth was intended to improve living standards. People in these communities are on the front line of our population increase and they know that bigger isn’t necessarily better.””
Note, however, that this is an anti-population growth argument and not an anti-immigration argument. Our birth rate is twice our net migration rate (which itself is about the same is our death rate). What is responsible for strain on resources is the fact that the government has not been keeping up with needed infrastructure investing. What is more, natural population growth does not add to the tax base as quickly as migration. So if you are worried about strain on public infrastructure, it is clear where you should direct government policy.
The asylum seeker issue is, of course, not related to the population issue at all. The PM agrees with Julian Burnside that “at the current rate of arrivals it would take about 20 years to fill the MCG with boat people.” Indeed, humanitarian migration is a small fraction of total immigration. The asylum seeker issue stems from the fact that we do not have unfettered migration. Instead, we have a quota and the issue is whether asylum seekers should move up in priority. To be sure, if we want to get rid of the asylum seeker problem, the easiest way is to get rid of the quota or to increase it. We surely have to ask ourselves why that is not a seriously discussed policy option. And those politicians need to recognise that not doing so only adds to the perception that they are pandering to interests who oppose immigration on racial grounds.
But let’s take as given the present constraint on immigration. The evidence points squarely to the fact that those asylum seekers who choose to enter Australia outside the official process (that is, on boats) are doing so because they are fleeing political oppression. The PM thankfully acknowledged this. Now that should give us pause. We are trying to work out when an application for asylum seeker is legitimate or not. And by legitimate, we mean that it is not migration for economic improvement (not that there is anything wrong with that) but against political persecution. So surely, the fact that a person or family is willing to subject themselves to the cost and danger of an ocean boat trip to Australia is surely itself a credible signal that they are fleeing something serious rather than looking for some potential economic improvement. The evidence certainly supports that notion.
From a game theoretic perspective, this leads to an interesting notion: that the people smugglers are, in a sense, providing a service. The more exploitative they are, the better is the screen they are performing. It also automatically puts us in the position of wondering whether there could be a better legitimate screening device — and certainly one over the threshold of moral acceptability — than that being provided by people smugglers. I’ll come to that in a moment but first, let’s consider the impact of interventions that have been deployed or suggested.
First, the “turn the boats around” option. This one — even if it were feasible — is basically a policy of you use legitimate channels or don’t bother. It shares that in common with the “sink the boats” option and its variant. This is a policy intending to shut down people smuggling and it certainly raises its cost. But we have to remember that people smuggling occurred precisely because the legitimate channels were not working for some set of asylum seekers. This doesn’t change that and unless it is 100% effective, it won’t even achieve the result of stopping people smuggling.
Second, the “move the boat people into the legitimate process” option. The Pacific Solution at a bit of this to it with a “punishment” phase of what amounted to incarceration. The new East Timor notion of a regional processing centre is the latest version hopefully without the punishment phase. The idea of this policy is to say to asylum seekers: you have a choice between (a) participating in the legitimate process or (b) dealing with people smuggling but ending up in the legitimate process anyhow. Of course, like the “turn the boats around”option, we have a group of people who have already found very sizable fault with the legitimate process — enough to risk everything on a leaky boat. So unless capturing the boats is 100% effective, this option raises costs but cannot be expected to shut down people smuggling when the demand for it is at its peak.
The problem with all of the present solutions is that they give people only one option — the official process — when the entire issue arises because that option was not acceptable. Moreover, by opting for the official process, there is no other means of signaling your legitimacy to be an asylum seeker. You are pooled into a lower cost process with many others who do not have the political claim to priority and as a consequence, the risks of errors are that much greater. When you are fleeing for your life, do you really want to have a single review option?
What we are looking for is a mechanism that can perform the wisdom of Solomon. Now I don’t mean that asylum seekers should be given the option of just sending their children to Australia (i.e. dividing the family) although that might be a credible signal. But surely we need to think of ways of separating out the claims that allows a greater pool of information and signals to be sent.
So here is my proposal: we need to outsource the review function to Australian government recognised aid or philanthropic agencies. And here is how we do it. The government sets a fee per asylum seeker for entry into Australia — I am going to suggest $20,000 for the sake of argument (but I could also imagine $50,000). Enough to justify any costs to the country that could conceivably arise but more as a means of presenting an opportunity to signal. Now that fee is not something that would be paid by asylum seekers as, by definition, they don’t have that money. Instead, it is a fee that would have to be paid by their sponsoring agency. The idea is that the agency would go out and raise funds with the view of finding asylum seekers and getting them to Australia. They would raise the funds from the community and people who would want to contribute to a fund to allow people to escape political impression. My guess is that that community is substantial enough for this to work. They would then screen and sponsor asylum seekers, make their case and pay the fee.
The idea here is to provide a diversity of options. There would still exist the official process and, indeed, the agencies would be encouraged to assess claims and if they are strong with verifiable information, they can use the official process and save the money. Otherwise, if they meet a set of minimum criterion — essentially, sworn statements of validity — they can pay the fee and move around the official process. The idea of using accredited agencies is that they mission and values could be monitored so that no economic motivated immigrants can use the process. This is also critical as they will be raising charitable contributions to fund all of this.
Basically, I am suggesting that we allow Australian charities and similar organisations to enter the people smuggling business. The numbers of asylum seekers are not so high that they can’t manage it and the fee provides a means of generating a signal as well as a way of placating political tensions in Australia. We shut people smuggling down by creating a market alternative.
This first appeared on the Core Economics blog here.
They already do the latter. I really wish people without a clue would not publish this sort of nonsense.
Every person who flees from their own country pays bribes and “smugglers” if they have no papers or other choice.
They reach another country believing they can claim asylum and discover while they can get a refugee ticket they cannot be protected.
So they pay another “smuggler” and move on.
Or in the case of our absurd so-called refugee intake we pay for them to get bogus papers to enter Australia while members of the community pay for some others to bring them to Australia on bogus papers.
Then we have DIAC’s lovely reverse actual trafficking where they use false documents to dump “failed” asylum seekers in the wrong countries where they are not safe.
But as you say, the proper channel to seek asylum in Australia is to be in Australia.
No point standing off the coast of Africa and screaming cooee because no-one will hear.
I give you points for effort, Mr Gans. Even if the effort, at this time, does little but to feed the very beat-up you’re trying to defuse.
A few problems …
[1. “Fourth, that the demand for migration to Australia is fuelling crime against would be migrants—namely, people smuggling.”]
That’s nanny-state thinking. Even worse, that’s trying to be the nanny of people who aren’t even in our state yet. What do you know about choices an asylum seeker makes in a country far away? Did anyone put a gun to the passengers’ heads and force them onto the boat? Would it be within our jurisdiction even if they did?
[2. “Now that fee is not something that would be paid by asylum seekers as, by definition, they don’t have that money.”]
Come again? Asylum seekers by definition are people looking for safe harbour from oppression. Having no money makes it harder for people to protect themselves, but it has nothing to do with the definition.
[3. “So here is my proposal: we need to outsource the review function to Australian government recognised aid or philanthropic agencies. And here is how we do it.”]
Great idea. Such a great idea in fact, that we’ve been doing that for many years now. It’s called the Offsore Humanitarian Program.
There’s also an “accredited agency” called the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) trying to provide temporary asylum to about 10 million people — most of them to be returned home when it’s safe, but some of them who can never go home, to be relocated to safe countries like Australia.
This last group are potentially among those Tony Abbott is offering community groups the opportunity to sponsor. This would actually help address the biggest previous problem with TPV’s, the withdrawal of family reunion rights, which caused even more irregular sea voyages to reunite with loved ones.
So here is my proposal: Let’s ignore this issue until after the election. Nothing but hysteria and distraction can be gained by having yet another “border security” election. Don’t act like push-button hysterics every time politicians try to pretend this is a real challenge. Insist on talking about taxes, or industrial relations, or the war in Afghanistan, or climate, or whatever it was you were concerned about as recently as a week ago.
And if you want to either help refugees or fight “queue jumping” — either way, the best thing you can do is donate money to UNHCR, because they have millions of people to shelter and not enough money to shelter them with.
Power, the UNHCR does not shelter 10 million people. Countries give protection. All the UNHCR does is help in a crisis.
You have a very overblown idea of what they do.
Most refugees these days are urban in their host countries and the UNHCR only assesses about 9% of the general asylum population.
And it is the asylum population that come under the purview of the signatory nations to the refugee convention and those states must assess each claim fairly and decently according to the convention.
Instead of Australia trying to find more and more deluded ways to stop people, we should just save time and money and get on with the job quietly as the rest of the world does.
Marilyn, I’m going by this report stating:
[There were 43.3 million forciblydisplaced people worldwide at the end of 2009, the highest number since the mid-1990s. Of these, 15.2 million were refugees; 10.4 million who fell under UNHCR’s responsibility and 4.8 million Palestinian refugees under UNRWA’s mandate. The figure also includes 983,000 asylum seekers and 27.1 million internally displaced persons (IDPs).
More than 26 million people – 10.4 million refugees and 15.6 million IDPs – were receiving protection or assistance from UNHCR at the end of 2009. This is 1 million more people than in 2008.]
That’s good enough for me, I’d rather donate to them than waste my tax dollars on another hundred-million-dollar dog-whistle solution. I have no choice in the latter, but I damn well have a choice in the former.
I don’t quibble over the meaning of “protection” or “assistance” because, as you rightly point out, I have no direct knowledge about it, any more than 99.9% of the politicians, journalists, and bloggers talking out of their arses. I know you’re in the 0.1% who know what you’re talking about. I’m just coming to the conclusion that the work you do does infinitely more good than talking about it.
The asylum seeker issue is really a boon because it gives a chance to see what unprincipled charlatans our politicians really are.
Take the latest Abbot directive – the navy decides whether to turn boats back. Regardless of whether or not the idea is a good one, the fact is that that it comes out now, in sight of an election, when the issue is in the press. All these two so called political parties can do for the rest of the time is snipe at each other. We pay more and more taxes so these idiots can hand out the proceeds to their mates, give themselves pay raises and buy plusher chairs for their fat arses.
Watch how they trot out their best and brightest ideas – not exactly for the betterment and well-being of the Australian public and nation, but generally as a cynical self-serving attempts to catch attention, particularly around election time.
With so may real issues affecting the Australian public and nation, I don’t know how they can sleep at night.
Note: There may be some decent ones, but I doubt it.