Monday’s joyful addition to the Minogue clan has media hearts a-flutter, with editors robbing the entertainment pages of a story which should be on their beat and sending it up to the front page — three days after the birth!

It seems that Dannii Minogue’s management decided not to give away the happy news straight away, instead letting the baby have a media cooling off period before dropping the news on Wednesday afternoon, July 7.

Special mentions go to the Herald Sun for its overweening pride about posting the story online at 4pm on July 7, as they so sickeningly pointed out on page three of yesterday’s paper. They also seem to think that Kylie is now “Australia’s most famous aunty”. That’s a lot pride for old news.

Herald Sun

Web plug

If you believe Channel Seven, Dannii’s baby joy was as important as breaking news of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. The station led Melbourne’s evening news with the proclamation for two days in a row and gave over its closing footage on Wednesday to the happy event. Strangely, Adelaide maintained their grip on the reality, without a single mention of Minogue during the entire bulletin.

Minogue mania has also been huge in the Twittersphere, where Emily_90 reported a few hours ago that news helicopters were hovering above the maternity wing of Royal Women’s Hospital in Parkville. The paparazzi are probably trying to locate the exact room in which Dannii and her baby are hiding, resisting all proposals from the paparazzi to photograph her little miracle (though the front desk of the hospital tells Crikey they haven’t seen any choppers at all).

So are we witnessing the rise of Dannii? Is it possible that in motherhood she will finally outdo her older sister? Given the national coverage of her son’s birth, one might be forgiven for believing so. One might also be forgiven for not caring in the slightest.