Kevin Rudd isn’t the only “one-man band” former leader. The Courier-Mail this morning reported that Rudd’s office had defended the absence of Labor branding on his campaign material by saying that everyone knew he was a Labor MP. “As a former Labor prime minister, people are well aware of which party Mr Rudd represents,” a spokesman is quoted by the Courier-Mail as saying.
Well quite. Wentworth voter Victoria Campbell wrote to her local MP Malcolm Turnbull last Monday, and forwarded us the exchange.
Dear Malcolm,
I recently received your latest mailout. It’s all very well and expected for you to lambast the present Federal goverment for its failings and sudden change of personnel at the top. I’m sure you can empathise with Mr Rudd, having been a stabber and stabbee yourself. But I am rather perplexed at your extreme reluctance to admit, or to be more precise, your total denial of your membership of the Liberal Party in the literature I received in the mail. Not a single mention of the party. No Liberal Party logo, nothing. Just a few measly mentions of the ‘Coalition’. You could be a Nat for all I know. No mention of Tony Abbott, who is leader of the Coalition. No picture. A whole lot of blue ink on the newsletter just doesn’t cut it with me. I am sure there are many constituents in Wentworth who are proud to be members of the Liberal party or to vote for the party. But you certainly don’t seem proud of the party, so why should anyone vote for you?
Turnbull responded a couple of days later, short and sweet:
Thanks Victoria for your email, all noted.
Do you really think there is anyone in Wentworth who doesn’t know I am the Liberal Party candidate? I don’t think so.
All the best
Is Rudd still the PM? Why doesn’t the ALP website listing of Kevin Rudd say when (and why) he was dumped as PM? If you didn’t know anything about Australian politics, you could think he still was PM.
Seniors targeted by government relief. Yesterday I received a mailed envelope with a Seniors Card banner on it. In the best tradition of snake oil peddlars the world over, the large type on the envelope asked me if I suffered pain, and promised that inside I would find “natural relief” and “a free gift”. It turns out the Victorian government has sold the personal details of Victorian seniors to Australian Natural Care Products so we can be bombarded with ways we can spend (waste) money.
Worse still, I can expect four mailouts a year plus an annual discount directory! If I don’t want my information used in this way I can opt out by emailing the Department of Premier and Cabinet. So Brumby’s in it up to his neck! My personal information should never have been sold by a government department to make money or for any other reason, without my permission.
Cook like a MasterChef… For your pooch!
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