Quote of the day:
”Isn’t it great to lead a united political party with a deputy I can trust, a predecessor who’s a friend and a former prime minister who’s a hero…” — A triumphant Tony Abbott addresses the party faithful at the Coalition campaign launch in Brisbane yesterday, flanked by family, former prime minister John Howard and a visibly re-energised shadow cabinet.
Since midday on Sunday I’ve been scratching my head trying to work out which unstated predecessor might be Tony Abbott’s friend. It’s nothing short of a mystery. Can anybody help me out with a name?
what plan, when is he going to come out of hiding and announce some policys
seems archbischop pell is doing it for him
at least thats puts abbott in his correct light
I presume the former PM who is a hero refers to Menzies, cant think of a Lib PM since who qualifies.
Hmm. Methinks Abbot *is* inhaling, if he believes all of that. I’m glad I wasn’t drinking something, I would have splorted it all over the keyboard when I read hero.