Quote of the day:
“There are some things that can’t be measured.” — Julia Gillard, asked by a Q&A audience member last night to rate “how big a tool” Mark Latham is, goes off the scale to describe her former colleague.
Latham, meanwhile, spewed more bile on Sky News last night, saying of the pair’s now infamous encounter that it was her “physicality” that was inappropriate: “I’m a happily married man and this sort of stuff I found a little bit out of the ordinary.”
Latham is a wannabe’s wannabe. The worst you can do to him is ignore him.
Hells bells, now we’ve heard it all! Mark Latham is married therefore no member of the opposite sex (including, Gillard, a former colleague) is permitted to touch him on the arm. Frankly, Latham got off lightly as one expects the PM would’ve much preferred to put her hands around his neck – tightly.
Tony Abbott is married, Rudd is married, Swan is married, Hockey is married (Julie Bishop isn’t but we’re not suppose to either notice or mention that), Pyne is married and Latham now puts his hand up as being married – it seems the only person in all of Canberra who is not married is poor poor Julia Gillard, oh woe betide her.
Interesting to note that, Oprah Winfrey, who is arguably the world’s most influential woman, is not married either. Gee, these two babes should get a life, eh Tony?