There’s a widely held view within the progressive commentariat that News is running a hard, even virulent, line against Labor in the current election campaign.
Perhaps, but maybe the reality is somewhat more banal (although no less disturbing).
A more likely scenario is that the blunt and sometimes nasty coverage in News Limited newspapers of the government in general, and Julia Gillard in particular, is the collateral result of dumbed-down editorial values rather than any vitriolic campaign motivated by political or proprietorial preference; of visceral editorial decisions made mainly by middle-aged male editors whose job is to stir up controversy, attack stereotypes, beat-up small incidents, enrage disaffected voters, impinge on priavte lives and incite readers in an age of uncertainty for newspapers and their future.
Maybe Rupert Murdoch or John Hartigan will unleash their attack dog editors on to the prime minister over the next 10 days, as they did when they installed and then unseated the Whitlam government in the 1970s.
Then again, these days they have their hands full enough just trying to figure out how to make a buck in the modern newspaper game without exercising their prerogative to manipulate elections.
A hopelessly naive and complicated view. It’s blind hatred. It always has been.
They can hardly unleash anymore spit and dribble. Its been gushing from day one. Fortunately some of the MSM have decided to revert to being professionals since the Coalition dreary launch last Sunday. Of course for some in the News Ltd stable of donkeys, it is too late. The Shanahans, the Bolts, the Akermans, the Albrechtsens etc are in too deep to ever emerge from the bile.
I have to agree with Mr Squid. If News LTD were acting in self interest they would be backing the govts NBN scheme as this will be one of the enablers for their online content and paywall. That is if they really believe this is the answer to declining revenues.
Unless we take conspiracy a bit further and they can see loss of value in Foxtel as NBN infrastructure will allow IPtv to proliferate.
Oh I am confusing myself now, so many conspiracies.
I always used to believe that the Murdoch Press was scrupulously fair in its allocation of space. The left wing would be favoured between elections and the right wing would catch up at election time. I am not sure how this theory pans out in the current election, though.
And maybe the “dogs of Oz” won’t be released on Gillard if it looks like she might win?
I reckon it looks more like they’re waiting to see a trend they can “bank their reputations on” – like that “Ruddy tsunami”? Heaven knows they’ve done their level subliminal best up to now to persuade the electorate to their way of thinking, without being downRight blatant.
What would it do for one’s reputation, not to mention influence, being all but a “news” monopoly, and you can’t pick the winner of a “two whores” race?