Will this election create a fairer more egalitarian society? Not so far, according to an assessment of the social policy options being touted by the major parties.
In fact, on current indications a Coalition victory may make it worse and the ALP just maintain the status quo. After a careful assessment of what was on offer, and scoring the various policies, the results are quite scary. Of the 90-odd social policy areas of need identified, at least 50 are yet to rate any mentions, 15 are negative divisive proposals and only about 30 of the actual policies on offer are possible contributors to social well being.
The list below has been scored in a summary fashion to offer an overview of the net gains and losses of social, rather than individual wellbeing. The low levels of items to be included in major party scores are a general indictment of the lack of social policy relevance in current election agendas. The sum of positive and negative scores indicates the problem: the ALP scored +4.5 in total out of a possible +80 plus; the Coalition didn’t even make it into positive figures with a total score of -10.5.
The selected items do not include those areas that are strictly economic — they are many and much is said on them elsewhere. They covers those initiatives that can undermine or feed into social wellbeing, resilience and social cohesion. In these areas, little is happening and the long list of omissions below is not comprehensive.
The basic scoring criterion was fairness in the standard Australian sense of a fair go for all, which means looking after those who do not share in the good fortune of most others. We looked closely at gender, and indigenous needs, but recognise many missing items from other areas and groups who also miss out on their fair share of public resources: like the creative arts, cultural diversity and other social needs.
There will be many arguments about defining fairness but most would agree that overly large unfair gaps between haves and have nots need good social policy remedies. Research shows unfair inequalities can be toxic to the wellbeing of all and damage social cohesion.
The score has three categories of promises/policies on the fairness of their social impact:
- Divisive scare tactics; populist, scapegoating policy announcements or statements
- The missing possible social measures that would make Australia fairer to all that are not mentioned by the major parties
- The current policy promises that could be seen to have some social fairness impact.
Party identification | ALP | Coal |
Total unfair items | -6.5 | -13 |
Missing till late July | -1.5 | -1 |
Proposed policy scores | +12 | 3.5 |
Total fairness score | +4 | -10.5 |
I have omitted to score the Greens — while they’ll certainly have influence, the comparisons would not have worked. The Greens have fairness/equity built into every policy; no scapegoats except maybe the odd polluters. Their influence will also be limited to those areas where the major parties disagree and the policies below suggest this is not going to occur often.
The first group includes 15 dog whistle scare items — ‘yes’ scored as -1; a split yes/no was scored at 0.5 if there were mitigating factors. The second covers 10 social policy categories: for example, indigenous issues have had no mentions, with multiple sub items in each which obviously showed no scores as yet. There are 40 or so items, but hopefully more may yet emerge to give the lists more balance.
Group 3 includes the actual policy announcements in areas deemed to be potentially socially positive. These were scored as follows:
- Undermines equity/fairness = -1
- Maintain current inequities (no difference) = 0
- Some positive indication = 0.5
- Makes it fairer/redistributes = +1
- Too hard to assess = ?
Too much debt | yes | |
Law-and-order gangs | yes | |
Knives and weapons | yes | yes |
Security | yes | |
Border protection | yes | |
Boat people/people smugglers/Nauru | yes | yes |
Big taxes | yes | yes |
Decrease population | yes | |
“Sustainable” population | maybe | |
Tighten dole | yes | |
Greater pressure to take jobs | yes | yes |
Income management 2011 | yes | |
Income management 2012 pilot NT | yes | |
Boat people queue jumpers | yes | yes |
Total | 6.5 | 13 |
2. MISSING IN ACTION | ALP | Coalition |
Return sole parents to PPS | ||
Raise Newstart to adequacy | ||
Revoke welfare to work sanctions | ||
Stop tighter disability eligibility | ||
Participation support for disabled | ||
Address poor indigenous education | ||
Indigenous knowledge not taught | ||
Gender VET in school choices | ||
TAFE and VET equity | ||
Return equity to core aims | ||
Stop major competitive tendering | ||
Extra funding for indigenous programs | ||
Re-introduce equity programs | ||
Reduce controls over skills determination | ||
Tertiary funding | ||
Recognise social value of courses | ||
Encourage post grad for excluded | ||
Fund representative groups | ||
Fund academic research, not just IP based | ||
Equal pay | ||
Support ASU case FW tribunal | ||
Services to cover rises in community services | ||
Ensures states offer extra funding to services | ||
Extra flexibility others carers | ||
Retirement income adequacy | ||
Supplement no super pensioners | ||
Remove rich super tax bias | ||
Women’s health services | ||
Accept program and funding | ||
Midwifery choosing homebirths | ||
Appoint women to new structures | ||
Indigenous respect and rights | ||
Bottom up engagement | ||
Local control over housing | ||
Increased targeted VET places | ||
More funding for indigenous training | ||
Accredited training on cultures | ||
Local employment funding | ||
More funding Indigenous services | ||
Increase PS employment | ||
More input to national curriculum | ||
Cultural training all service areas |
Education | ||
Education cost refund | maybe | minus |
Disability school fees | plus | |
Early disability intervention | plus | |
50,000 extra trade training | plus | |
Indigenous retention low/no sport | minus | |
Fix extra pay rich schools | minus | minus |
Family friendly | ||
PPL 6 mth 2012 | plus | |
PPL 18 wks 2011 | plus | |
EOWA – support/fund changes | plus | |
Indigenous constitutional referendum | plus | plus |
Child Care | ||
Extra $6 CCTR | ||
Money for occasional care | plus | |
Retirement income | ||
Super to 12% | ||
Reduce super tax on low income | plus | |
Subsidiser older benficiaries’ work | .5 | |
Earn more/keep more | .5 | |
Health | ||
Midwives/home births | maybe | |
Defence services health | ||
Aged services home based | ? | ? |
Aged residential services | plus | |
Disability support services | plus | |
Dr nurse emergency training | plus | |
Super clinics | plus | minus |
Mental health suicide | plus | |
Mental health big spend | plus | |
Reorganise admin | ||
Extra beds instead of services | maybe | |
Family payments | ||
FTBA till 18 | maybe | |
Bring forward FTA | neutral | neutral |
Lump BBonus | plus | |
Equal pay support | plus | minus |
40% women on government boards | plus | |
40% women on ASX boards | maybe | |
Use regulation to fix entitlements | minus |
Where’s housing in this list (other than ‘local control of housing)? Housing is as much a part of the social infrastructure as health and education. Lack of affordable housing was a concern for 8 of 10 people in a recent Benevolent Society survey. It should at least get a mention; surely it’s as important to individual well-being as Dr and nurse emergency training?
The only reason there is a so-called lack of affordable housing is the vast numbers of foreign students who will pay huge sums for lousy housing.
As for the big mental health spend by Abbott, smoke and mirrors.
His stupid 26 PPL will cost $8.8 billion so rich women get paid vast amounts – surely Eva you cannot possibly perceive that as a positive.
As for the rest – I’m sticking with the Greens all around because I can’t abide either of the big ones.
Abbott’s promises! Do not believe a word he says. Wouldn’t buy a used car from him.
SHEPHERDMARILYN: No, foreign students are not the reason for the housing affordability crisis. The reason for that is both sides of politics making laws which appear to be aimed at social equity, but are in fact aimed at subsidizing or underwriting profits for the big four banks, and in the same stroke, porkbarrelling voters who think they have an inalienable right to use houses as ATMs.
A protracted scorecard is totally unnecessary.
‘Welfare’ is ‘on the nose’. It isn’t popular. It is sneered at by so many. The contempt for social welfare started as the ‘greed is good’ philosophy came in in the late 20th century;-the attitude to welfare is even worse now.
LabLib will only do what they must minimally do to be seen to be compassionate.
They don’t give a toss.
In SA the State Government plans to slash $450 million from the health budget-they are currently obsessed with a city central sports stadium,-the cost of which is growing like Topsy.
Not quite the same, but the attitude to necessary expenditure always suffers to feed the greed of ‘publicity projects’.
Fed and State will find copious quantities of dosh for projects that will make them popular/ get them reelected/ serve as monuments to their time in office.
They don’t give a flying fuck for anything else.