Quote of the day:
“If you want someone to run a marathon, you want Tony Abbott. If you want someone to run the country, that’s me.”
— Prime Minister Julia Gillard employs the zingers in the final 48 hours of the campaign. She also described the media coverage of the election in an off-the-cuff aside, “”grumble grumble, tweet tweet tweet.”
“It’s been a tough race, but we’re finishing strongly.”
— Opposition leader Tony Abbott, who spent all night calling radio graveyard shifts around the country. When he promised not to sleep in the last 48 hours of the campaign, he wasn’t joking.
Mr ABBOTT, we are NOT impressed by your mindless-macho-marathon approach to campaigning.
This country needs a PM
who can use modern technology,
who knows Climate Science,
who doesn’t palm off Finance strategies to someone else,
etc, etc.
Your ultra-jock obsessions instead reveal a troubled mind,
and what you might do to this nation.
We don’t want another sleep deprived zombie at the helm of our country.