This morning. ABC News 24. A post election interview:

Interviewer: So can you give me an idea of some policies?

MP: “To start negatively… the decision to deregulate the dairy industry… now the pain and misery that occurred there… Then of course the decision to import bananas from overseas… 7 — 8000 Australians are going to lose their jobs.

Interviewer: Do you favour Labor’s broadband plan or the Liberals on this?

“Look I’m not entirely familiar with it I haven’t been following this… But I do know if you’re talking about privatisation… I mean the Telstra privatisation was absolutely terrible for rural Australia.”

Interviewer: So would you ever agree to Labor forming minority government?

MP: “Absolutely. The gong goes to whoever is going to help us [rural people] survive.”

“I couldn’t care less if they were the Labor Party, the Liberal Party… the Calathumpian party… or… or the Mongoloid Party… I will work with either side.”

Interviewer: “Will you be talking to fellow independents Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor later today?”

MP: “We will most certainly be talking over the next 24 hours but they’re probably a lot like me, answering phone calls from wellwishers, powerful people… the media… But if we are indeed seeing the reconstruction of the country party… then this is a country party that will look after the worker, and the retiree, just as much as it will look after the farmer…”

Interviewer: “Thank you…”

MP: “…and God bless the listeners.”

That, good citizens, is one of the most powerful people in politics as of last night. Bob Katter is one of three independents who, along with the new member for Melbourne, the Greens’ Adam Bandt, and perhaps Andrew Wilkie in Denison, now hold the balance of power in this country.

Let’s recap.

The postal vote and pre-poll vote count will take days, if not weeks, but as of publication time:

ALP: 72 | Lib: 73 | Ind: 4 | Greens: 1 | In doubt: 3

As of late last night the Greens had achieved a 3.8% overall swing, earning a primary vote of 11.5%. They’ve boosted their Senate numbers to nine, ensuring them the balance of power in the Senate.

We are not making this up. Welcome to your new reality.

We repeat: we are not making this up.