It’s been a whirlwind ride for Kevin Rudd in the last few months, from PM, to a bloodless coup and finally being appointed by his former deputy to the role of foreign minister.

Just days after getting the job, Rudd is already heading off the United States to hob-knob with Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, followed by a visit to flood-ravaged Pakistan. Rudd’s UN and international diplomacy love has long been known, but how will he fit into the new foreign minister role?

Here’s a wrap of how the pundits see it.

The Australian

Samantha Maiden: Kevin ‘747’ takes off before Rudd boards plane

Kevin “747” Rudd’s blockbuster press conference left one question mark hanging over his first international mission as Foreign Minister. Just how long will it take him to locate, detain and personally deliver a shackled Osama Bin Laden to the UN after he is choppered into Pakistan later today?

Greg Sheridan: PM, your choice is quite impeccable

Julia Gillard was 100 per cent right to appoint Kevin Rudd as Foreign Minister. She was right politically, in principle and on merit. Rudd is the best man for the job. Gillard’s appointment is akin to Barack Obama making Hillary Clinton Secretary of State.

Cameron Stewart: Stepping back on the world stage

As he leaves on this trip, Rudd is a man haunted by questions about his past as well as his future.

How will he be able to work with a prime minister who was his executioner? How will Rudd, who cut such a lonely figure at this week’s swearing-in ceremony, be able to reconnect with his former Labor colleagues in cabinet? How will the man who offended some countries in the region while he was prime minister go about improving those relationships? How will his lone-wolf style sit with the diplomats from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, many of whom were unimpressed with Rudd’s treatment of them while he was prime minister?

At each turn, Rudd faces challenges that are more than superficial. They go to the heart of the way he conducts himself as a politician.

The Age

Daniel Flitton: Aussie envoys stuck in an age of Morse code

With Rudd as Foreign Minister, the opportunity beckons to step up Australia’s online engagement, assuming he’s gutsy enough to loosen the traditional bonds of control over the public service.