Early tomorrow morning Australia will know whether its bid for the 2022 World Cup has been successful. FIFA’s 22-man committee will meet in Zurich to decide whether it will be Australia, the USA, Qatar, South Korea or Japan who will host soccer’s biggest tournament.

Much comment today has focused on our cultural cringe response to the cartoon kangaroo depicted in the final video presentation presented to FIFA. Like it or not, kangaroos are synonymous with Australia abroad so it shouldn’t have a negative impact on the bid campaign. This is not the time for subtlety.

Who are the 22 men whose votes will decide where the 2022 World Cup is held? And how are they likely to vote? Each voter has one vote with all five countries progressing through a round-robin format until the winning nation is declared. These rounds are held behind closed doors with only the ultimate winning nation being named by Sepp Blatter. Countries are advised about which round they were eliminated in.

Here is Crikey’s guide to the FIFA executive members who hold the world in their hands.

Sepp Blatter, FIFA president:

FIFA president since 1998. A tough political fighter who has survived several attempts by rivals to oust him from the position. Will hold the deciding vote if the final round results in a draw. Due to his presidential position tries to be all things to all nations so has uttered sweet encouragement about all the bids at various stages. Surprisingly admitted the decision to hold the vote for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups at the same time was a mistake amid allegations of vote swapping between bidders.

Likely to vote for: Qatar. There have been allegations that the Emir of Qatar delivered the FIFA presidency to Blatter in 1998. Now would be the time to return the favour if that was the case.

Julio Grondona, Argentina:

Head of the Argentinean Football Association for the past 30 years and nicknamed “The Godfather”. Not afraid to make tough decisions as evidenced by his sacking of national hero Diego Madonna as national manager after their failure at this year’s World Cup.

Likely to vote for: Qatar.

Issa Hayatou, Cameroon:

One of four FIFA executives accused of corruption in a controversial BBC documentary aired this week, much to the dismay of the organisers of England’s 2018 World Cup bid. Hayatou is a heavy hitter and is also a member of the International Olympics Committee who has promised to investigate the BBC’s claims.

Likely to vote for: Unknown.

Chung Mong-Joon, South Korea:

Controlling shareholder in the Hyundai Heavy Industries Group and tipped to be the next FIFA president when Blatter steps down, despite being a critic of the current president’s regime.

Likely to vote for: No surprises here. Korea.

Jack Warner, Trinidad and Tobago:

Possibly the most colourful character in an executive committee packed with colourful characters. Warner has survived allegations of black-market ticket selling, bribery and corruption. Described by UK journalist Andrew Jennings in his must-read 2006 book FOUL! The secret world of FIFA: Bribes, vote rigging and ticket scandals as “a mover, a shaker, a fixer, a manipulator, he’s the man whose entrepreneurialism and cheek tells us so much about Blatter’s FIFA”. A close friend and supporter of Blatter.

Likely to vote for: US. Show Jack the money.

Angel Maria Villar, Spain:

Former professional footballer and qualified lawyer who was a midfielder at Athletic Bilbao.

Likely to vote for: Qatar, if rumours of a deal struck with the Middle East country for their 2018 World Cup vote that Spain hopes to snare are true.

Michel Platini, France:

Great former footballer who has proven himself to be most adept at navigating through FIFA’s political minefield much as he danced past defenders in his playing heyday.

Likely to vote for: Unknown.

Geoff Thompson, England:

Straight shooting Yorkshireman who replaced Lord Triesman as the head of England’s bid to host the 2018 World Cup this year. Triesman stepped down after accusing World Cup 2018 hopefuls Russia and Spain of bribing referees in the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.

Likely to vote for: US. Special relationship survives despite WikiLeaks.

Michel D’Hooghe, Belgium:

A rehabilitation specialist, head of the department of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine at the St Jan Teaching Hospital in Bruges, D’Hooghe was head of Club Brugge medical service for 15 years

Likely to vote for: US.

Ricardo Terra Teixeira, Brazil:

Ex-son-in-law of Blatter’s predecessor as FIFA president Joao Havelange.

Likely to vote for: Qatar.

Mohammed Bin Hamman, Qatar:

President of the Asian Football Confederation and instrumental in Australia’s switch from the Oceania to Asian World Cup qualifying region.

Likely to vote for: Qatar. Could vote for Australia if Qatar eliminated early. Unfortunately, that’s unlikely.

Senes Erzik, Turkey:

Turkish Football Federation president, a former banker who has brought some much needed stability to Turkish football during his 20-year term at the top of the local game.

Likely to vote for: Unknown.

Chuck Blazer, US:

Avuncular promoter of soccer in the US, Chuck is a big fish in the small pond that is Major League Soccer.

Likely to vote for: US, US, US!

Worawi Makudi, Thailand:

Makudi has overseen the development of football in Thailand in recent years with the recruitment of British coaches to seek to improve the game.

Likely to vote for: Unknown.

Junji Ogura, Japan:

Appointed as Japan Football Association (JFA) president in July this year. The new kid on the block.

Likely to vote for: Australia. Just kidding. Japan.

Marios Lefkaritis, Cyprus:

Established and owns a group of companies dealing in petroleum and shipping.

Likely to vote for: Unknown.

Jacques Anouma, Ivory Coast:

A member of the FIFA executive committee since 2007.

Likely to vote for: Unknown.

Franz Beckenbauer, Germany:

The Kaiser. Legendary ex-Germany player and manager. Good mates with Frank Lowry.

Likely to vote for: Australia.

Rafael Salguero, Guatemala:

A solicitor who played for various clubs in Guatemala. Former chairman of Guatemalan FA.

Likely to vote for: US.

Hany Abo Rida, Egypt:

Member of the World Cup organising committee. Former treasurer of the Egyptian Football Association.

Likely to vote for: Unknown.

Vitaly Mutko, Russia:

Former President of Russian Football Union and Zenit Petersburg. Lured former Socceroos’ manager Guus Hiddink to Russia to be national coach in failed attempt to qualify for the 2010 World Cup.

Likely to vote for: Australia. Hopefully “Aussie” Guus has had a word.

Nicolas Leoz, Paraguay:

An ex-sports journalist, lawyer and part-time history professor.

Likely to vote for: Qatar.

Australia’s bid hinges on the majority of the seven “unknown” votes falling our way. It’s a long shot. The loss of Oceania’s near-sure vote for Australia with Oceania confederation president Reynald Temarii’s suspension due to, you’ve guessed it, corruption claims was a massive late blow.

Football Federation Australia remains optimistic. A FFA spokesperson told Crikey:

“We are quietly confident. We have plenty of support and we are in a great position at the business end of the competition. We have come a long way since we first started our bidding campaign. Our final presentation to FIFA has been well received and we are happy in the position we are in, leading into the vote. We have done everything we can to help bring the 2022 FIFA World Cup to Australia.”

Despite the worldwide cynicism surrounding the World Cup bids, let’s hope we “win” the 2022 cup. Unfortunately, it looks like it will be a shoot-out between the US and Qatar with the safer option of the US just winning out despite that country having hosted the tournament, relatively recently in World Cup terms, in 1994. Would love to be wrong.