After the recent shooting in Arizona, the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma in the US has put together some resources for journalists and news managers covering the shooting. They may be of local interest — to the media’s audiences as well as to its own.
Psychiatrist Frank Ochberg and Bruce Shapiro, the centre’s executive director, share insights on the characteristics of mass killers and the ethical responsibilities of news organisations after a mass shooting.
Dave Cullen spent a decade researching and writing Columbine, his best-selling account of the 1999 school shooting in Littleton, Colorado. He has compiled some lessons for reporters covering high-profile mass shootings.
The centre has also compiled insights from journalists, educators and newsroom managers who have participated in past Dart Center conferences and events on mass shootings. A few Australians are quoted and their comments also have some relevance to the ongoing floods coverage.
Philip Williams, ABC, says:
I was sent alone to cover the Madrid Bombings in which 200 people were killed in a series of explosions set by terrorists in trains. Reporting for both radio and TV, the deadlines and demands were relentless.
For five days, I averaged one hour’s sleep a night. By the end of the assignment I was a physical and emotional wreck — the long hours combining with the harrowing interviews with survivors and the relatives of those killed.
On day five, my speech was beginning to slur and my thought processes were so slow I could barely function. In short, I was exhausted — and so was my capacity to work properly. If I’d just said I need a decent sleep to continue, I would have been able to stay on the job.
My mistake was I didn’t want to admit I needed a break. No doubt in the coming days editors will be demanding continuous coverage, but it is in both the organisation’s and your own interest to rest. If you don’t, something will give. Don’t stay out late, don’t overwork … get to bed. You’ll be a better reporter for a good night’s sleep.
Trina McLellan, sub-editor, The Courier-Mail, says:
Take a moment to acknowledge the grief and the assistance of those who speak to the media in an official or unofficial capacity, especially in the early days. They, too, are under enormous duress as the circumstances unfold and may themselves still be in shock. When facts are unclear and/or dynamic, pushing these people harder rarely uncovers the truth but simply further exhausts these people who are trying to do their best in awful circumstances.
Meanwhile, other articles that may be of interest for those with an interest in gun control:
- This ProPublica piece explains (if this is really possible) gun laws in the US
- And this is an alarming headline from The Huffington Post: “Sales In Glock Pistols Up After Arizona Shootings”.
The article says:
One-day sales of handguns in Arizona jumped 60 percent on Jan. 10 compared with the corresponding Monday a year ago, the second-biggest increase of any state in the country, according to Federal Bureau of Investigation data. From a year earlier, handgun sales ticked up yesterday 65 percent in Ohio, 16 percent in California, 38 percent in Illinois and 33 percent in New York, the FBI data show, and increased nationally about 5 percent.
Federally tracked gun sales, which are drawn from sales in gun stores that require a federal background check, also jumped following the 2007 massacre at Virginia Tech, in which 32 people were killed.
This article makes perfect sense in its comments about media professionals and people who provide information to the media in a crisis needing adequate rest. In the current crisis in Queensland, the same goes for Anna Bligh. The Premier is doing a marvellous job leading her State and giving information through the media. But she too must get some rest so she can continue to lead Queensland through this terrible crisis and its aftermath and to maintain her own physical and mental health.