If you were following Sunrise co-host David Koch on Twitter this morning, you would have enjoyed an interesting take on Hosni Mubarak’s refusal to resign as Egyptian president.
As Twitter was digesting the dictator’s defiant response to rumours that he was set to quit, Kochie chimed in with his version of events:
“Historic day in Egypt as Facebook generation ousts Mubarak. He even acknowledged the voice of Youth in his decision. Peaceful overthrow.”
According to observers, today’s events in Egypt were anything but a “peaceful overthrow”. Mubarak was still there and, despite some concessions of power, would be for the foreseeable future.
Unsurprisingly, the former business journo copped a wave of criticism for his bizarre analysis. He was quickly compared to fellow Twitter laughingstock Richard Wilkins for his infamous “Jeff Goldblum is dead” snafu.
It’s not the first time Kochie has drawn the ire of the twits. In September last year, his customary joke of the day tweet was lambasted for being sexist:
“Joke of the morning: why did they call it PMS? Because mad cow disease was already taken.”
That tweet was quickly deleted, but not so this time. Twenty minutes after his initial message, a defiant Kochie urged the Twittersphere to “chill out“. It was all a simple case of misinterpretation, said Kochie:
“People chill out. We took speech live. It is historic. He is stepping down. Will not contest September. My point is it’s driven by youth.”
Kochie’s right, Mubarak is stepping down in September — an announcement that was made well over a week ago — but protesters were hoping today that he would quit immediately. Unsure he had made his point that this was still an historic day of reform, the morning show luminary added:
“The point of Egypt is the Facebook generation have forced change. No burning of US flags or waving of Korans. They want Western lifestyle”
And, with that pearl of wisdom causing about as much anger as the initial tweet, Kochie quickly moved back into (theoretically) safer territory:
“JOD: What do you call a donkey with 3 legs? A wonky. What do you call a donkey with 3 legs and 1 eye? A winky-wonky.”
In the future it might be best if Kochie sticks to what he does best. Financial advice.
But even his donkey joke has been stolen from Craig Smith’s children’s book The Wonky Donkey, which features the lines:
“I was walking down the road and I saw a donkey hee haww
and he only had 3 legs and 1 eye
he was a winky wonkey donkey, winky wonkey donkey, winky wonky donkey.”
How cheap he is. Koch humour – like stealing puns from a child.
Kochie even steals his bad xmas cracker jokes off twitter.
A worthy winner. 🙂
Congratulations to Kochie, well deserved!
Compared to his other tweets the donkey offering was more intellectual.
“Western lifestyle”, or self-determination, and/or the Islamic Brotherhood?
Aren’t they sick of what that close association and sponsorship of that “West” has brought them for 30 years, while those running the country were able to get away with what they have?
How will giving their government a nice coat of “Suleiman” – as the West (government and media) seems to want to do – solve all their problems?
Kochie? is that a person?