There are many aspects of the Prime Minister’s report on closing the gap that we and many Australians, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal, will welcome. With respect to health, which is our prime concern, the downward trend in infant mortality among Aboriginal kids is especially welcome. We also accept that it will take time to eat into the gap more generally and that, even if we are currently doing so, that is difficult to measure. It is a big report and we recommend to Crikey readers to try to digest it for yourselves.
We want to focus on just five issues. First, we are surprised and disappointed that there is so little attention seemingly being paid to the social determinants of health in seeking to close the gap. They get a mention but a fleeting one and then there is no analysis and no indication that the government really believes that these not only do have major negative effects on Aboriginal health but that actively pursuing policies to address these negative effects might well yield dividends.
We know, for example, that for people living on the homelands or outstations, their health is better — yet the federal government, in tow with the NT government, continues its policy of seeking to centralise services. During this next year Prime Minister can we please see more action on the social determinants of health?
Secondly, AHCWA and its members are much interested in primary health care which is so important for the health of Aboriginal people. AHCWA has devoted much energy to attempting to have a say in the policy developments around Medicare Locals. To that end, in response to requests they received, AHCWA submitted two papers with its ideas to minister Roxon’s department at the end of September last year and again in December. Feedback has been minimal. Why?
Thirdly, in her speech in parliament on Wednesday, the Prime Minister suggested that just as “Closing the Gap demands that the Australian government meets our responsibility … [so it] also demands personal responsibility” from Aboriginal people as if this was some sort of “equality of effort” between equals.
Did the Prime Minister ever read the Sacred Children Report? Has she any understanding of the impact on the Stolen Generations of being taken from their families? Surely a role of government is to be understanding of and compassionate towards disadvantaged people? Treating Aboriginal people as equals is a bit much given how lacking in resources in the broadest sense they are as compared with the federal government! Tch! Tch! Naughty irresponsible Aboriginal people.
Fourthly, in her speech she said, as “an activist” with respect to Aboriginal disadvantage. We would also consider ourselves to be activists in this context. So we seem to share her stance but, given her position of power, why as just indicated above does she not arrange that her Health Minister at least responds to the AHCWA “activists”?
Lastly and most fundamentally and perhaps in many ways summing up what we have said, in her report there is all too little recognition of the need to listen, to consult and to negotiate with those she wishes to help. Aboriginal people have some very good ideas about what is wrong and some very good ideas on how to make it if not right at least “righter”. It is also the case that — going back to where we started in this piece — as the literature on the social determinants of health tells us taking away people’s self-respect and autonomy does not do their health any good.
Next year in the Closing the Gap Report, we want to learn about what the government has been doing to show respect for Aboriginal people and their views and values.
What a bloody typical rant, delivered from the perspective of one who represents a special pleadings organisation. Not a solution in site, but great clarity about having not been handed the reins.
Just in case you wonder, yes, I have read the Little Children Are Scared Report and consider it to be a mestarwork. One thing which I came away with from this report was a conviction that special pleading, single purpose groups are very much likely to be part of the problem and that it is the mainstream services which should and could lift their game, if only they were not shut out by louder voices emanating from organisations which have self interest at their core.
Oops! Typo…
“.. we are surprised and disappointed that there is so little attention seemingly being paid to the social determinants of health in seeking to close the gap…”
Yes, and no offence to your good selves but this is hardly a revelation. So little attention paid to such an obvious issue -for such a long time.
Dear John
“what a bloody typical rant” from a “special pleadings organisation” “not a solution in sight” What a bloody typical rant from you more like. Do you know the work done by AHCWA and it’s member organisations, do you know of NACCHO and it’s member organisations. From your “bloody typical rant” I would suggest not. AHCWA represents all of the Aboriginal Medical services in WA. These medical services have been providing services to Aboriginal people for over 35 years and have provided a far better, far more culturally safe and far cheaper option for health care to aboriginal people than any Government State or Commonwealth and yes they have come up with many solutions. However when faced with white, anglo saxon “I know better than you” attitudes from both state and Commonwealth the opportunities for real action as suggested in the above article are lost.
John get past your racially superior blindness and admit that the best people to provide services to Aboriginal people are Aboriginal people and the best people the Commonwealth can listen to in relation to closing the gap are peak bodies such as AHCWA and NACCHO and not a group of GP’s or politicians sitting in Ivory towers.
Some of my friends are culturally Northern European. Some Asian. Some from elsewhere.
I will believe that you and your aboriginal friends need your own separate deals and medical systems when you support the (non-) case for segregation of each bunch of Aussies, according to their race, and for services to be provided only on a segregated basis. That would mean winding the clock backwards a century, at least.
Your attitude is so wrong, yet so pervasive, that I despair of progress.
However, thanks for the response. You convinced me of nothing except the shallowness of your perspective.
Must be off, now… I have a whole bunch of new acronyms to look up. While I am doing that, you might choose to re-read the Little Children report, with both eyes open. It’s about people, Little People, all of whom are sacred, regardless of their parentage. It’s about fairness, about dealing properly with people in ways they respect and understand and so, with truth and hope and seeking outcomes with value.
It certainly is not about defending a bunch of acronyms, holding meetings somewhere for goodness knows what, plotting a course which is counter to those around them… who just might have different parents.
It is sad and frustrating to hear these demands for segregation in the 21st century, especially when they come from only one direction.