It took until the last possible day, but overnight the British government finally got approval for its legislation for a referendum on preferential voting. The UK will vote on 5 May, in conjunction with Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish and local elections, in only its second-ever nationwide referendum.
It’s a lot of effort for not a huge reform, but in a country so attached to its traditions the prospective change evidently seems larger than it is. If approved, the referendum will replace the first-past-the-post or simple plurality voting system with an Australian-style preferential system (referred to in Britain as the alternative vote, or AV) — specifically, optional preferential, as used in state elections in New South Wales and Queensland.
The unfairness of the current system is manifest. In 2005, Labour won a majority of more than sixty seats with just 35.2% of the vote. Last year, Labour and the Liberal Democrats won 52% of the vote between them, but were well short of a majority of seats. The Lib Dems had 23% of the vote but won less than 9% of the seats; back in 1983 (as the alliance of Liberals and Social Democrats) they managed just 3.5% in seats with more than 25% of the vote.
Moving to AV would improve things, but not by very much. The Lib Dems would gain, but not to the extent that their share of the vote (which is dropping precipitously in the polls in any case) would suggest. So would whoever ends up getting the greater share of Lib Dem preferences; historically that would usually have been Labour, but with a coalition government that is no longer at all certain.
A change to a genuinely fair system — such as German or New Zealand style proportional representation — is not on offer; AV was the best that the Lib Dems could get in their negotiations with the Conservatives. And even passage of AV is by no means assured, although opinion polls have generally put the “yes” vote in the lead.
The Lib Dems, of course, are the strongest supporters of change. The Labour leadership is also backing the “yes” case, but its voters and MPs are divided. The Greens and other minor parties also support change (except the neo-fascist BNP), although most, like the Lib Dems, would have preferred PR. The main opponents of AV are the Tories, and the result will largely depend on just how hard they are willing to push the “no” case – given that doing so will mean attacking their own coalition partner.
There is an obvious comparison here with the 1999 republic referendum in Australia; a proposal for change being offered by a government whose leaders are mostly opposed to it. In each case, it is easy — and tempting — to exploit public ignorance with a scare campaign.
One might think that AV, a limited reform and one that has run successfully in Australia for more than 90 years, hardly compares with revising the whole constitution to abolish the monarchy. But that would be to underestimate the degree to which those accustomed to first-past-the-post can simply fail to see any unfairness in it and fail to understand the merits of any alternative.
Because very few people take an interest in the details of electoral systems, it’s easy to mislead voters with such red herrings as compulsory voting (not being discussed), the cost of electronic counting (also not being proposed – if we can count by hand, there’s no reason why the British can’t) and six-week delays for results (not an issue in Britain, since postal votes have to be received by polling day). As Antony Green (put it earlier this week, “Many Australians would be amazed to read the UK press and discover the terrible iniquities heaped upon them by the Alternative Vote.”
The proponents of change have just eleven weeks to repel such attacks and convince the British electorate that this is a change worth making.
I am seriously hoping the UK referendum fails. At the time when the Lib-Dems held the power of creating the government they could have, at the very least, insisted on a referendum on PR-STV (or Hare-Clark as practised in Tasmania and ACT). But no, Nick Clegg sold their souls into government–probably their very last time ever (which uncharitably may be why he did it)–with no serious likelihood of electoral reform, and the only candidate being AV which is guaranteed to drive the LibDems to extinction!. At the time I thought and implied that he was a blithering idiot. I have not changed my mind. Do these people not read the analyses and predictions of the outcome under the different systems? Has he noticed any significant third party in the Australian system they are about to try (and fail) to adopt? Doh!
Doubters can look at the graphical representation (for UK and Australia) in my Crikey article of last year, here:
If you come to a different conclusion, …..(counting to ten)…take a Bex and lie down, then look again..
Of course the UK referendum will fail not because it deserves to but because all the major parties will kill it.
Incidentally with about 6 months passed, we can see that the Con-LibDem coalition has worked fairly well, and ditto the Tassie Lab-Green coalition (though strange goings on recently). The federal minority government is also functioning in the technical sense, quite well. It just achieved getting the independent support for the Flood Levy. So these examples show that government by multiple parties (even without discussing all the European, Canadian examples) actually works better than single-party systems. I rest my case.
@Michael – thanks for that. I agree that AV won’t make much difference, but I think it’s unfair to say it’s “guaranteed to drive the LibDems to extinction”. It’s hard to come up with a scenario where they’d be worse off under AV than under the present system. Sure, AV won’t give much encouragement for a 3rd party to appear, but it offers some extra protection for one that’s already there (as it did the Country Party in Australia). But I agree entirely about the stability of coalition govts and the desirability of some form of PR. So why did Clegg accept this deal? Presumably because he felt he had no choice; the alternatives were either forcing another election, which he would have been blamed for, or letting a minority Tory govt get established and then win a majority at a time of its choosing, as Labour did in 1974.
Charles, your observation “very few people take an interest in the details of electoral systems” is revealed by this hyper-active comments stream! Not. I have come to the conclusion that it is almost the only thing that can change things here in Oz. People gripe about the state of our politics and awful politicians etc but will not pay enough attention to see where the solution lies.
I think the LibDems will be worse off under AV, though it is complicated by the fact that they are also going to have a massive cleanup of the electorate boundaries and try to achieve equality of votes. I cannot remember if that will favour the LibDems–possibly but it is certain the redistribution will benefit the Tories.
The Oz AV was introduced here so as to allow the Lib + CP coalition (when they could not agree to avoid three cornered contests) but there is nothing like that in the UK.
The main reasons why the LibDems will suffer is that voter behaviour will change, and it is optional AV. All the rusted on Labs and Libs will not give a second pref, and a lot of centre-Labour or left-Cons will choose not to either. Yet LibDem voters themselves probably will–to either Lab or Con. And then there is the longer term perspective. I was there when the Dems (Gang of Four breakaway Labourites) reached their highest ever percentage (I think it was about 27%; in fact I voted for them, civilized right of Commonwealth citizens in UK) but their yield of seats was pathetic. Next election their vote plummeted—why bother when the system is simply fixed against them. The first election under AV will have this devastating effect (all the more because it is being oversold now–no one seems to be aware of how it actually works and what actual outcomes it produces). Of course the next election may be a kick in the guts to LibDems anyway as a reaction to this coalition. The election after that and they will be reduced to utter irrelevance.
It is worse than doing nothing because it will stifle any reform for another generation (or hundred years…).
Clegg could have forced a referendum on PR-STV. The Tories desperately wanted power and they also know that referenda can be killed pretty easily and indeed it would have been likely that most Tories and most Lab would have campaigned against it. I think we have to assume the worst. Clegg did it because it was his only chance in his career ever to actually get into government.
Incidentally, without being too dramatic, I don’t really care much about Blighty anymore. The only reason I get emotive about it is that if they managed real electoral reform then it would convince a lot of braindead conservative types in Australia that it would not be the end of the world as we know it. As it is, the entrenched two parties will simply snigger either way this referendum turns out. And they will be correct in their cynicism.
And thanks for reading my post!