Two Christchurch boys ride their bikes around their city post-earthquake to survey the damage. Most of this footage is from the outskirts of the inner city, from outside the inner section police have cordoned off.
The Christchurch aftermath
Two Christchurch boys ride their bikes around their city post-earthquake to survey the damage. Most of this footage is from the outskirts of the inner city, from outside the inner section police have cordoned off.
This cinema verite is far far better than the re-manufactured rubbish being flogged by the TV networks – not the least the champions of recycled news ABC 24 hrs. And the borderline offensive, inane questions from halfwit reporters …… give us all strength.
Yesterday, the Crikey video of the day – the Christchurch quake came and went and then re-appeared elsewhere but it was a brilliant piece of work – presumably done on a mobile phone. A woman crying on the street. The crushed cars and people frantically trying to rescue drivers from them, rubble still falling all around – the woman with bloodied face being helped down the street by another, the dazed rescuers.
Surprising that God’s houses copped it as badly as they did.
Nothing else needed to be said. Youtube and the brave work of those who were there have made mainstream media redundant.
Our admiration and thanks should go to the cinematographers who brought it home.
I’m with Mike. Thanks to the two youngsters who made this and rendered the media machine that manufactures news to sell advertising redundant.
More pointed, poignant and intelligent. Viewers can infer what happened rather than having gormless trivia relentlessly invented by oafish “presenters” take on a panicked life of its own. We don’t need “Oh it’s awful!!!” ….. we know.
Go the amateur movie makers, and a pox on the house of journalists so full of their own importance and assumed star status, they forget why they are being paid.
to the comments above, the Europe wide 24 hour news channel Euronews has a thing they put on now and then called ‘no comment’ which is just a few minutes of unadulterated filming, of anything in the world, with no voice overs or anything. It’s my favourite piece.
Lambikins – thanks for the tip. As you might have guessed, I’m well over local mainstream media.. When they eventually go guts-up, reports from the field by folks with skin in the deal will serve everyone better than the established schlockmeisters.