And for the most crucial news of the day, tune into Nine News on the Gold Coast, for this huge scoop on pet CPR and first aid.
CPR for dogs
And for the most crucial news of the day, tune into Nine News on the Gold Coast, for this huge scoop on pet CPR and first aid.
Well it is a scoop if no one else covered it.
If it was run instead of Nick Minchin telling us it’s cooling, that’s good use of air time.
If I didn’t know better, I’d swear that was Firstdog flirting with yet another redhead. 😀
Bugger off, smart arses. Pet CPR is important – and in light of recent floods and our propensity to disaster, all the more so.
The sandy pup in the video looks permanently f*cked to me.
“What are you doing with that dog, mate ?”
“CPR !”
“Yeah, right, Dr Suss”
If posting this video saves one dog’s life, it was worth posting.