Disappearing mobile phone boss. The reason Matthew Donnellan, Allphones CEO, was fired yesterday? External legal advice, apparently. He remains a shareholder.

Islamophobic threats remain online. While Barry O’Farrell threatens to sack Marrickville Council for its trade boycott of Israel, the more extremist fringe of the News Limited-led campaign against the boycott has got very nasty indeed. In January, Green Left Weekly reported a death threat against Greens councillors had appeared on the Islamophobic “Australian Islamist Monitor” website. More than two months later, the threat — made by one “Skipping Girl”, who says “I would like to have a 22 and pick them off one by one for target practice. Better still a suicide bomber in their midst” — remains. And by the way, you can support the bile-laden rantings of this website via Mastercard, Visa and Paypal.

Stacking the shelves: Qld milk wars. In far north Queensland, most of the local dairy farmers sell their milk through the Dairy Farmers brand. This year they lost the contract to supply one of the big name stores, now Coles and Wollies are selling home brand milk at a reduced rate, which is hurting the local producers. The local producers can’t produce milk for the same price as the milk produced in Rockhampton, so will they go out of business? Then we would have to rely on milk coming from elsewhere.

Many hands out for UNICEF donations. In regards to the tip about UNICEF: I have been donating via direct debit for about three years now. Throughout 2009 I received numerous phone calls asking for me to increase my donation. Finally I missed about five calls in a fortnight before answering a call. They asked if I would donate more for a special mosquito net fundraiser. I thought it sounded like a good cause after some explanation. The clincher? When I asked how much they would like I was told it would be a minimum commitment of 24 months for a minimum of $20 a month. The caller was not interested in a one-off donation. Fed up after a year of frequent phone calls, I considered ceasing my donations. I sent an email asking how I would go about this and received a polite response. I decided to wait a while but did not cease my donations. Since that time though, I’ve received only one call. Possibly a coincidence…