Each year I am involved with a live call of the Logie Awards. Last year it was broadcast on the radio on 102.1fm 4ZZZ in Brisbane. This year we’re embracing a pure Internet experience.

How will it work?
On Sunday night the Televised Revolution studios will be filled with people seated in front of the main Televised Revolution TV. With microphones, a webcam, and an interactive text chat with those listening, our panel will offer commentary on what is going to air, while providing factoids on those nominated and presenting. What does this really mean? Well, a heck of a lot of pithy off-colour commentary is pretty much assured.

How Can I Watch?
Just stop by the Televised Revolution website on Sunday evening and you should be able to watch it via this very website (or will at least see a link to take you through to the webstream). There will be an interactive chat function on screen, but we’ll also be active on the @TV_Rev Twitter account and chatting using the #livecall hashtag

When Does It Start?
We’ll be up and running by 7:30pm when Channel 9 begin their red carpet coverage. The video and audio feed will be up and running prior.