There’s been a killer heat wave in the US in recent weeks, but Stephen Colbert agrees with Rush Limbaugh on the “government manufactured” heat index and global warming agenda being pushed by SpongeBob SquarePants.
Stephen Colbert agrees with Rush Limbaugh on the global warming agenda being pushed by SpongeBob SquarePants.
article-article-bodyThere’s been a killer heat wave in the US in recent weeks, but Stephen Colbert agrees with Rush Limbaugh on the “government manufactured” heat index and global warming agenda being pushed by SpongeBob SquarePants.
Fox News goes after a sponge ? Come on Rupert , pick on someone your own age .
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Bloody hell… we always miss out on the good stuff. C’mon ABC: buy the rights to show it again please.
Maybe they class it as “art” now.
If only Rupert didnt own most of the media in ‘our location’ we might have a chance of seeing this! No Chaser. No Colbert. No Daily Show. Sad state of affairs.