Top 10 Political Fixers No.3: Mark Arbib. Not so long ago Mark Arbib was Australia’s No.1 political powerbroker. He was convener of the Labor Party’s ruling Right faction, member of the party’s all-powerful National Executive Committee and a favourite of the prime minister who he helped ascend to the top job.
How times change. In June 2010, less than two years after riding Kevin Rudd’s coat tails to the pinnacle, Arbib was one of the key conspirators in the coup that brought down Rudd, having already made the PM’s execution inevitable by destroying his standing in the polls. And we all know what has happened to Labor’s fortunes since then. — Paul Barry (read the rest here)
Political Fixing legend: John Faulkner. Senator John Faulkner wants the Labor Party cleansed of its unionist bosses, but this political-fixing legend’s minority view diminishes his power. While Faulkner is still an influential figure in the ALP, if only as the light on the hill, the real power in the Labor Party lies elsewhere, as he would be the first to admit. Even if his advice is still valued, he’s a minority view in a minority faction and he has never played the numbers game. – Paul Barry (read the rest here)
Fat bonus bad timing for O’Malley. The timing couldn’t have been worse: BlueScope chief executive Paul O’Malley has received a bonus of more than $720,000 on top of his $2 million annual salary, according to the ailing steel industry’s remuneration report released within 24 hours of O’Malley announcing widespread job cuts. But for BlueScope executives, the pay packet is all part of the “bond” the company shares with its staff. — Angela Priestley (read the rest here)
Katter’s brother new face of new GetUp! campaign (and Bob responds). He seemingly came out of nowhere, but Bob Katter’s gay half-brother Carl, backed by lobby group GetUp!, has well and truly shifted the blowtorch back on to his older sibling in the fiery same-s-x marriage debate. Carl Katter, bearing a striking resemblance to the hat-wearing, independent MP, appeared on national television last night to denounce brother Bob’s views on homos-xuality and gay marriage. — Tom Cowie (read the rest here)
Interesting that Mark Arbib(Labor Party’s ruling Right faction) would pick Gillard from the Left?