During this week’s GOP debate Ron Paul was asked whether a man who needs intensive care for six months and doesn’t have health insurance deserves government welfare. The crowd cheered when he answered in the negative then, when the mediator further quizzed him on whether society should let him die, multiple voices yelled “yeah!”.
GOP debate: do the uninsured deserve to die?
During this week’s GOP debate Ron Paul was asked whether a man who needs intensive care for six months and doesn’t have health insurance deserves government welfare. The crowd cheered when he answered in the negative then, when the mediator further quizzed him on whether society should let him die, multiple voices yelled “yeah!”.
Wow. They cheered Perry’s capital punishment record in the previous debate, now this. The GOP death cult charges on.
The hypothetical was for a young working man who was presumably able to afford health insurance. Wonder what the reaction would be if it was for a poor person? Hopefully the crowd would be a bit more sympathetic.
Ron Paul Libertarians are Social Darwinists–read Herbert Spencer.
The GOP are in dire need of a Greater Power injecting them, collectively, with the milk of human kindness. Fascinating how they are predominantly G0d-botherers but gleefully bay for the blood of those less fortunate.
Who is that baffoon? Surely he can’t as dumb as he appears. That wa sa prospective presentidents dabate right?