Council’s media crackdown over floods. Is Lockyer Council shutting down debate over its handling of the Queensland flood crisis? One Crikey reader pointed us to this resolution in the August 23 council meeting minutes:
Crikey understands Mayor Steve Jones is particularly sensitive over criticism and worried about his own liability over flood claims. Will the council pursue defamation action against the media? One local writes:
“Its because there has been a monumental amount of waste, and many people hold council negligent due to everything that happened — the emergency services are stretched then (SES), and they have been perceived to have done nothing in the recent past to equip the area for disaster — they didn’t even have a plan, and knew of many things occurring (as you have previously reported on). There has been a debacle, now the council are having this threat on anyone who questions the amounts of waste, ‘largesse’ etc, while the rest of the shire gets shafted.”
We’d love to hear from more locals on their experience with council. Drop us a line or send your comments anonymously.
System glitch for CBA customers. The Commonwealth Bank appears to have a bug in its system. A Crikey reader with a CBA business account writes:
“I noticed a fee of $10 appeared on my account on 20/09 — Overdrawing Approval Fee. Only thing being, my account was thousands of dollars in credit! And I do not have an overdraft on this account, now or ever. I contacted the bank today to be told it is a computer glitch with the last system upgrade, and promising a refund ‘today or tomorrow’. I wonder how many accounts were affected, how much money the CBA raised from this, what happened to these monies, etc?”
Personalised Coke on the way. From 3AW’s Rumour File this morning: “Kaitlin says Coca-Cola are bringing out bottles that have labels with peoples names on them. She says there are going to be about 150 names printed … Caller Kaitlin says the names will be of normal people rather than famous people.”
Coming soon: a talk with Kev. If only the hair was red …
Tilda Swinton is so playing Julia Gillard when they make the biopic. The irony here is that her natural hair colour is red.
Bank glitches – aren’t you glad you’re paying other fees, elsewhere to your bank, for such sterling customer service?
Imagine what they’d be like without those other fees being used to deliver such service (+ profits and executive remuneration for such oversight)?
As for the Lockyer piece – how is “the media” with their sensitivities – handling the story?
Mark you saw Young Adam too?
@Klewso no, I first made the Gillard/Swinton connection when I saw her in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, playing (and please don’t read anything into this) the White Witch.