Academy Award winner Susan Sarandon arrived on the scene late last month, offering sage advice to the Occupy Wall Street protestors. “Come together to decide on one issue to focus on and stick with it so you look like you know what you’re talking about,” she said.

Alec Baldwin stopped by a few weeks later, spending two hours with demonstrators in downtown Manhattan. Baldwin reportedly “clashed” with the crowd when, after also encouraging them to form cohesion, he told them that “capitalism is worthwhile.” It’s probably a good thing he didn’t do a Gordon “greed is good” Gekko.

Kanye West was also recently spotted in the sea of bodies, refusing to answer questions and looking like a man who got off at the wrong bus stop. But a far more flamboyant and decidedly more heroic Hollywood celebrity might be on his way to the Occupy Wall Street protests: none other than Batman himself. It’s not (quite) as crazy as it sounds.

Director Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises has recently been shooting in LA. As The LA Times reports, the shoot will soon move location to New York. An anonymous source reportedly told The Times that “cast members have been told the shoot could include scenes shot at the Occupy Wall Street protests.”

Here’s a snippet from the story:

Under its code name “Magnus Rex,” the Warner Bros./Legendary Pictures production will arrive in the nation’s biggest city for 14 days starting Oct. 29, according to a casting notice recently issued by producers. And, according to a person briefed on actors’ schedules who requested anonymity because production details were being kept confidential, cast members have been told the shoot could include scenes shot at the Occupy Wall Street protests….

While it’s unclear what shape the protean movement will take in the coming weeks, the demonstrations will almost certainly be continuing during the period that “The Dark Knight Rises” shoots in New York. While the person who’d been told of the plans said the protests could figure into the production, they said that doesn’t mean they will be included in the storyline.

In other words, Nolan, who’s known for carefully planning out scenes months in advance, wouldn’t necessarily be tweaking the script; he’d simply be using the protests as a backdrop or a stand-in for something that already exists in the film.

Read more here.